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Re: Listings out of control

Posted by Dave Larson-2 on Mar 30, 2012; 9:00pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Listings-out-of-control-tp7422968p7423044.html

I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my email program.  It is easy to setup
message filters to delete any message subject that contains things I'm
not interested in.  I have a K3 and I'm not interested in any message
subject that contains K2, K1, KX1, and so on.  Those messages and many
other topics are automatically deleted before I see them. This brings
down the message count considerably.

Dave K8AA

On 3/30/2012 4:35 PM, John Kountz wrote:

> At one time, the Elecraft list of 'user' submissions was tenable...but, the
> length and level of redundancy makes them unattractive and unmanageable.
> Does no one have a texst enema they can administer?
> John Kountz, WO1S/T6EE
> K3s and P3
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