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Re: Listings out of control

Posted by Mike Morrow-3 on Mar 30, 2012; 9:15pm
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Listings-out-of-control-tp7422968p7423092.html

I couldn't figure out what "Listings out of control" was supposed
to mean, not even after reading the text. :-)

> I have a K3 and I'm not interested in any message subject that
> contains K2, K1, KX1, and so on.

How do you handle all the K3-related messages for which neither
the initiator nor the respondents could be bothered to put "K3"
in the subject line?  There have been many many examples of this
recently.  The K3'ers are the worst offenders by far, judging
from the short time (12 years) I've been on this list.

Mike / KK5F

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