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Re: Listings out of control

Posted by Jim Brown-10 on Mar 31, 2012; 12:57am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/Listings-out-of-control-tp7422968p7423562.html

On 3/30/2012 5:10 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
> Thunderbird faithfully sorts

Yes. I subscribe to 24 email reflectors, and I typically get several
hundred emails per day . Most come to my Thunderbird client, a few go to
my Yahoo account.  Both make it very easy to sort each email into
mailboxes according to any criteria that I choose to set up. I get them
as individual emails, so it's very easy to sort them and to use my
delete key.

There are several good email programs, and I chose Thunderbird several
years ago when my old email software was getting a bit long in the
tooth. :)  I liked the old one a lot, and Thunderbird is even better.  
And it's free.

73, Jim K9YC
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