[OT]It's the 21st Century Guys! PS2 is DEAD
Posted by HREFAB on May 18, 2014; 2:42am
URL: http://elecraft.85.s1.nabble.com/OT-It-s-the-21st-Century-Guys-PS2-is-DEAD-tp7589218.html
I am continually astounded to see expensive electronics (particularly in the CW arena) being offered with PS2 connections for keyboards. The standard has been dead for about 100 years now, supplanted by USB technology. To ask for over $300.00 for a decoder/logger/keyer is all fine and good ,but when they come with outdated obsolete electronic connections, its simply a case of Lazy or Cheap. I was told by a very well known manufacturer, that if they had to put a USB port for the keyboard in, it would add too much to the price (*while this item already had a USB port for uploading new firmware). Yes, a USB port costs roughly $1.00 so in a $300.0+ dollar gadget you're telling me that an extra buck is going to be a deal breaker? Come on! Sorry, if it has a PS2 keyboard connection, I'm not buying it and neither should anyone else.