Re: It's the 21st Century Guys! PS2 is DEAD
Posted by
Phil Wheeler-2 on
May 18, 2014; 3:19am
Good that you're so firm about it. It matters not
to me; I have excellent, small keyboards of both
One might as well argue that the P3 SVGA add-in
should support HDMI instead of the relatively
ancient SVGA.
Phil w7ox
On 5/17/14, 7:42 PM, HREFAB wrote:
> I am continually astounded to see expensive electronics (particularly in the
> CW arena) being offered with PS2 connections for keyboards. The standard has
> been dead for about 100 years now, supplanted by USB technology. To ask for
> over $300.00 for a decoder/logger/keyer is all fine and good ,but when they
> come with outdated obsolete electronic connections, its simply a case of
> Lazy or Cheap. I was told by a very well known manufacturer, that if they
> had to put a USB port for the keyboard in, it would add too much to the
> price (*while this item already had a USB port for uploading new firmware).
> Yes, a USB port costs roughly $1.00 so in a $300.0+ dollar gadget you're
> telling me that an extra buck is going to be a deal breaker? Come on! Sorry,
> if it has a PS2 keyboard connection, I'm not buying it and neither should
> anyone else.
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