test again.

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test again.

sorry for the title, but the mail was being returned as suspected spam.
who knows?

        hello all,
 >          i joined this list not long ago to keep up
 > on the discussion of
 > the elcraft rigs. now, with uncle sam giving me a
 > little coin in my
 > pocket, i will be making a purchase in the near
 > future.
 >          i will probably be going with the k2. the
 > k1-4 is less but the
 > ability to add ssb is not there. and that is
 > something i would like to
 > do in the future.
 >          my question is, what would you order to
 > start with other than
 > the transceiver kit? there are several options and i
 > will not be able to
 > afford all the options at the time of the initial
 > purchase. wanted to
 > hear from the experts to get a newbie kit builder
 > started and get the
 > options that would be needed most then add from
 > there.
 > or, would you go with the k1-4?
 >          tnx in advance for all help and best 73
 >          mike ku4yp
 >          florida.

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