the Lazy K2 Chestpack by my design

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the Lazy K2 Chestpack by my design

Daniel L Brinneman
Hi guys & gals,

I looked for 2 years for a chestpack to my specifications that could hold
my K2.  Well I did not find one at all either on the internet or at the
local stores.

1 year ago I drew up a design for a pack, but at the time the local
Wal-Mart did not have the foam I needed.  Now they do. So now I have so
far 1/3 of it complete.  I am drawing up the plans/measures while I am
putting it together. For the external pockets, I am just guessing by
eyeing it.  I don't promise to post anything about it. But someday I will
try to remember to put up some pictures.

I am sewing this thing together from some basic skills on the sewing
machine I learned while a kid on my mom's machine.

I call my design the "Lazy K2 Chestpack", because it designed to be put
together by anyone with sewing basics.
One of my main specs for this pack is that it has the ability of fitting
tightly to my chest area.  I want to be able to go Unicycle Mobile (/UM)
with the homebuilt KA5DVS PAC-12 antenna and not loose the radio to some
injury if I fall off the unicycle while riding.  A good picture to think
about is that of a parachutist, he does not want his lifesaver to be
loose on his person.

So far I have operated in the past year with VHF/UM.

Maybe if I get good at this hobby, I will have someone capture pictures
for your entertainment.  Right now I have overcome my "comfort" zone of
falling off of the unicycle so I can learn to ride backwards and try
stalling.  I have forward, left, and right down. My main idea for riding
the unicycle was just for transportation only.  That's means not dressing
up like a clown for a parade and juggling; though I do respect those who
can multi-task like that.

Thanks for reading this.

Daniel Brinneman
future KG4DNI/UM

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