Hi folks:
"The excitement is building."
K2 s/n 3460 and I have made it as far as page 46.
Who would have thought that an instruction manual would be such a page
During "Alignment and Test, Part 1" Info Code 080 pointed me to a
problem with the Z5 ceramic resonator: I forgot to put it in.
Three solder joints and one hard reset later, it's page 47 and beyond,
but I am reminded why I missed that step in the first place.
It's because I meant to ask you guys:
What do I do with the leads of Z5? Do I clip them, or leave them alone?
For some reason I got it in my mind that they must not be disturbed.
BTW, thanks to all who replied, on and off list, to my r18/r19 query.
Indeed, the headers that came with KAF2 accept jumper leads, thus
sparing me four desoldering maneuvers.
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