Another Glowing Review of the K2

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Another Glowing Review of the K2

Just received the latest issue (9-10/2004) of NCJ (National Contest Journal)
with the feature article: Use of Comparative Analysis to Estimate the DX
Prowess of HF Receivers, by SP7HT.

Again, the only real competition are radios that cost many times more than
the K2 - Orion and IC7800.

This is an 8-page article with a 2.5 page spreadsheet chart comparing over 25
HF rig receivers with pertient data from the ARRL test reports.  There is
good discussion of why the data is important and direct comparison between the
different numbers from rig to rig.

This is surely worthy of posting on the Elecraft web page when it becomes

Henry - K4TMC
K2 #3137
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Re: Another Glowing Review of the K2

Steve Lawrence-2
On Aug 24, 2004, at 4:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Just received the latest issue (9-10/2004) of NCJ (National Contest
> Journal)
> with the feature article: Use of Comparative Analysis to Estimate the
> DX
> Prowess of HF Receivers, by SP7HT.
> Again, the only real competition are radios that cost many times more
> than
> the K2 - Orion and IC7800.

And when the K2 evolves to a two knob true dual VFO/receive radio it
will rise to yet another notch.

73, Steve WB6RSE

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Re: Another Glowing Review of the K2

Charles Greene
Steve and All,

A lot of contesters use software to control both VFOs and concurrently do a
lot of other things too, so a second knob is not really necessary.  In
fact, the existing knob is not used either while under software
control.  Writelog and N1MM Logger are two such programs, although I have
not used Writelog with the K2.  I have used N1MM Logger and CAT control of
one K2 using SO2V (single operator 2 VFOs) and or 2 K2s using SO2R (single
operator 2 receivers) with both of my K2s.  Works very well.  This puts the
K2 clearly in the class with the Orion and 1000D, and you can buy two for
less than the price of either one.  Don't misunderstand, you don't need two
K2 any more than you need two Orions, or two 1000Ds to operate the
transceivers two VFOs.  You can download a copy of N1MM Logger by doing a
search of the Internet for N1MM.   It is freeware.

73,  Chas, W1CG

At 10:52 PM 8/24/2004, Steve Lawrence wrote:

>On Aug 24, 2004, at 4:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>>Just received the latest issue (9-10/2004) of NCJ (National Contest Journal)
>>with the feature article: Use of Comparative Analysis to Estimate the DX
>>Prowess of HF Receivers, by SP7HT.
>>Again, the only real competition are radios that cost many times more than
>>the K2 - Orion and IC7800.
>And when the K2 evolves to a two knob true dual VFO/receive radio it will
>rise to yet another notch.
>73, Steve WB6RSE
>Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Another Glowing Review of the K2

Bill Coleman-2
In reply to this post by Steve Lawrence-2

On Aug 24, 2004, at 10:52 PM, Steve Lawrence wrote:

> And when the K2 evolves to a two knob true dual VFO/receive radio it
> will rise to yet another notch.

For the price of those two knob true dual VFO/receive radios, you can
build TWO K2/100s....

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [hidden email]
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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Re: Another Glowing Review of the K2

Bill W4ZV
In reply to this post by k4tmc
Hi Henry,

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 K4TMC wrote:

 >Just received the latest issue (9-10/2004) of NCJ (National Contest Journal)
with the feature article: Use of Comparative Analysis to Estimate the DX
Prowess of HF Receivers, by SP7HT.

 >Again, the only real competition are radios that cost many times more than
the K2 - Orion and IC7800.

 >This is an 8-page article with a 2.5 page spreadsheet chart comparing
over 25
HF rig receivers with pertient data from the ARRL test reports.  There is
good discussion of why the data is important and direct comparison between the
different numbers from rig to rig.

 >This is surely worthy of posting on the Elecraft web page when it becomes

         Well I finally got my copy today almost 1 week later even though
we live in the same state!  In his review, SP7HT used 5 kHz data for
BDR and IMD, believing that ARRL's 1 kHz data on their swept graphs was
invalid.  In fact, it IS valid (I confirmed this with KC1SX today) and
the results would be quite different had he used the 1 kHz data.

                                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV
(K2 #4119)

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