Anyone using a K2 for RX and another TX?

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Anyone using a K2 for RX and another TX?


I was wondering if anyone is using the K2 just for the receiver and using some other transmitter with it in a transceive mode.  Most of us probably (had or ) still have one of the big 4 name transceivers and I was thinking about using the K2 in conjunction with another radio to take advantage of the 100W power or AM mode.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mike, WA1SEO
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Re: Anyone using a K2 for RX and another TX?

Bill Steffey NY9H
yes yes yes.......

Hi Mike,
at this VERY moment I am using my k2/100 with my icom 756pro trying to get
the VU4.. ( rare dx)...

the K2 noise blanker helps me more decipher the esp weak signals from the
VU4 on 20 meters. I have not established a very decent way to mute the k2
when transmitting....other than use the K2 second receive antenna input
( on the k160rx) and transmit into a dummy load at the same time as I let
loose the KW on the 756....into a different antenna.
The other missing element is that I cannot receive on my better antenna as
it is
150 feet closer to the offending power line poles !!!! So I am transmitting
with the big  beam and listening on my old classic 33 with the K2.

I have fitted my 756 pro with a tap just after the t/r relays, so I an
share the antenna selected, however as I mentioned I can't even use that
function, since that antenna is different for each rig !!!

now just waiting for propagation to open up in the midwest RF BLACK HOLE.

I briefly tried to use the test mode to disengage the TX , but that seems
to function in cw only. Better ideas are welcomed....


At 06:58 PM 12/13/2004, you wrote:

>I was wondering if anyone is using the K2 just for the receiver and using
>some other transmitter with it in a transceive mode.  Most of us probably
>(had or ) still have one of the big 4 name transceivers and I was thinking
>about using the K2 in conjunction with another radio to take advantage of
>the 100W power or AM mode.
>Your thoughts are appreciated.
>Thanks in advance.
>Mike, WA1SEO

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Re: Anyone using a K2 for RX and another TX?

James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
In reply to this post by info4mjs
        Just for fun I whipped up a little logic circuit which placed appropriately
in the K2 and with an added DOW-KEY relay and a foot switch would allow the
use of the K2 as a reciever with a free standing transmitter. This is
untested and just a mental exercise but it is how I would attempt to resolve
the problem. I believe you can do it without breaking a single trace. It
ain't QSK but it is just one switch.

e-mail me if you want the proposed circuit.

        WARNING: If you play around with the MCU "|MUTE" circuitry, it is very ESD
sensitive and I am not the only one who has discoverd that. The only
solution if you blow it is a new MCU if you want the audio mute.

73, Jim, W4ATK
K2 #4028

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