Bandfilter alignment: at midband or what?

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Bandfilter alignment: at midband or what?

Hi all,

When aligning the bandfilters ('Transmitter Alignment'), I would think
the whole idea is to do this at midband frequency, to make sure as
much of the band is passed as well as possible.

Now I'm not sure about US bandlimits, but here in the Netherlands the
40 meter band runs from 7000 to 7100 kHz, so midband freq.equals 7050.
But the K2 manual tells me to align the bandfilters for max output at
7100 kHz. Hmmm....

Question: wouldn't I be better of aligning the 40m filter on 7050? And
likewise at European midband frequencies for the other bands? Or would
it make little difefrence anyway?

BTW: I couldn't find anything on this subject in the archive, hence my
question. And I couldn't find anything on the bandfilter bandwidths in
particular either.
And I AM curious, so... any pointer to info on the matter would be

Bart de PA3GYU
K2 #4389

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Re: Bandfilter alignment: at midband or what?

Tom Arntzen
> Now I'm not sure about US bandlimits, but here in the Netherlands the
> 40 meter band runs from 7000 to 7100 kHz, so midband freq.equals 7050.
> But the K2 manual tells me to align the bandfilters for max output at
> 7100 kHz. Hmmm....

Hi Bart!
There should be no problem in adjusting 40m at 7100khz.
Also there are things happening regarding 40m bandplan.
I don't know about PA bandplan , but LA(norway) and about 10-15 other EU
countries have secondary rights
from 7100-7200khz.
LA has max power out 100 watts in this segment of band.
SO if I where you I stick to manual and tune rig from script.
I did with K2 3829 and even then I have full output at 7000khz.
Good luck.

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Re: Bandfilter alignment: at midband or what?

In reply to this post by PA3GYU
here the same problem  in Belgium, ( 7000 to 7100 Khz ) I use only the cw part, ...I did all the aligment around the qrp
calling freq's
best 72's

----- Original Message -----
From: "PA3GYU" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Bandfilter alignment: at midband or what?

> Hi all,
> When aligning the bandfilters ('Transmitter Alignment'), I would think
> the whole idea is to do this at midband frequency, to make sure as
> much of the band is passed as well as possible.
> Now I'm not sure about US bandlimits, but here in the Netherlands the
> 40 meter band runs from 7000 to 7100 kHz, so midband freq.equals 7050.
> But the K2 manual tells me to align the bandfilters for max output at
> 7100 kHz. Hmmm....
> Question: wouldn't I be better of aligning the 40m filter on 7050? And
> likewise at European midband frequencies for the other bands? Or would
> it make little difefrence anyway?
> BTW: I couldn't find anything on this subject in the archive, hence my
> question. And I couldn't find anything on the bandfilter bandwidths in
> particular either.
> And I AM curious, so... any pointer to info on the matter would be
> welcomed.
> Bart de PA3GYU
> K2 #4389
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