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Ah. That must be new, then.

The band scope seems to use the same method as mine, but it's a bit slower.

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:

"michael stevenson" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Have a look at Ham Radio Deluxe v3.1 Beta.
This is free, supports K2 and has a bandscope.
The bandscope is found under Tools.

Mike G8ALS

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Re: Bandscope

It looks pretty, Jim, I'll grant it that. But MixW supports many more
modes, plus rig control and logging, and all from within one application
that needs less screen real-estate. It isn't FREE, but at fifty bucks
it's still a lot less than most ham radio products.

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:

"Jim Brown" <[hidden email]> wrote:

This program suite is a winner, and it's FREE. The PSK software is
spectacular! I've been using it for more than a year.

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Re: Bandscope

Charles Greene

I run both at the same time.  Either MixW plus HRD, or MixW plus
N4PY.  I'll have to try your bandscope.  N4PY lets you do cat through a
software interface, from MixW to N4PY software, and back again.

73,  Chas

At 09:52 AM 1/26/2005, Julian, G4ILO wrote:

>It looks pretty, Jim, I'll grant it that. But MixW supports many more
>modes, plus rig control and logging, and all from within one application
>that needs less screen real-estate. It isn't FREE, but at fifty bucks it's
>still a lot less than most ham radio products.
>Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
>G4ILO's Shack:
>"Jim Brown" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>This program suite is a winner, and it's FREE. The PSK software is
>spectacular! I've been using it for more than a year.

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Re: Bandscope

In reply to this post by g4ilo-2
How do they not fight over the serial port? I loaded HRD, then loaded
MixW, and it crashed with an illegal instruction. I closed HRD and then
loaded MixW on its own, and it worked fine.

My bandscope was slightly better behaved: it reported "Error opening COM
port" when HRD was running.

I guess N4PY is providing a virtual COM port for the other apps to use.

Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:

Charles Greene <[hidden email]> wrote:


I run both at the same time. Either MixW plus HRD, or MixW plus N4PY.
I'll have to try your bandscope. N4PY lets you do cat through a software
interface, from MixW to N4PY software, and back again.

73,  Chas

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Re: Bandscope

Charles Greene

You have to use a separate serial port for MixW PTT/CW and HRD CAT.  HRD
uses the serial port connected to the K2, and MixW has no CAT.  MixW uses
the secondary PTT/RTTY port for PTT/CW and the DTR/RTS from this port are
connected to the PTT/CW keying interface.  CAT is disabled, and MixW has no
CAT connection to the K2.

On N4PY,  you setup the N4PY program to use the K2 with the Pegasus
interface.  You tell MixW under configuration/CAT to use the Ten-Tec
Pegasus.  A window opens and you enter the path to the N4PY
program.  Frequency/mode commands are sent to the N4PY program which send
them to the K2.  The N4PY program sends the same from the K2 back to MixW,
so MixW will track mode/frequency.  You still have to use the secondary
PTT/RTTY port for PTT/CW.  The K2 can use CAT for PTT, but the N4PY program
doesn't do CAT PTT.

The best way to do this is to use separate directories for each
configuration of MixW.  One for MixW using its own CAT, one MixW for HRD
and one for MixW with N4PY.  You only have the full features of MixW when
it does its own CAT.  The Align function, for example.  I set up MixW to
send every function the K2 will take, using macros.  When using psk31, I
like MixW all by its self.  For CW DXing, N2PY is the best, as you can get
the K2 to do some things it won't do by its self, like have the filter
settings follow VFO A or B selection.

I will try  your program shortly, and see if I can get it work with MixW
using one serial port.

73,  Chas

At 01:29 PM 1/26/2005, Julian, G4ILO wrote:
>How do they not fight over the serial port? I loaded HRD, then loaded
>MixW, and it crashed with an illegal instruction. I closed HRD and then
>loaded MixW on its own, and it worked fine.
>My bandscope was slightly better behaved: it reported "Error opening COM
>port" when HRD was running.
>I guess N4PY is providing a virtual COM port for the other apps to use.

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