Clicks in K2/100 on rx unmute -- solved!

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Clicks in K2/100 on rx unmute -- solved!

Some may remember that I was hearing an annoying click when the receiver of my
K2 unmuted, only when the KPA100 and the DSP were both active, and only on
160/80 meters.

I tried a lot of things, however, what finally worked was changing C71 on the
KPA100 board from 0.01 uf to 0.1 uf.  The click is gone.  Thanks to Gary
Surrency of Elecraft for the suggestion!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: Clicks in K2/100 on rx unmute -- solved!

Vic Rosenthal wrote (incorrectly):

> Some may remember that I was hearing an annoying click when the receiver
> of my K2 unmuted, only when the KPA100 and the DSP were both active, and
> only on 160/80 meters.
> I tried a lot of things, however, what finally worked was changing C71
> on the KPA100 board from 0.01 uf to 0.1 uf.  The click is gone.  Thanks
> to Gary Surrency of Elecraft for the suggestion!

The capacitor in question is actually C72!  Sorry.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: Clicks in K2/100 on rx unmute -- solved!

Mike Harris-9
In reply to this post by Vic K2VCO

I'm sure we would all be interested in more technical detail.  Presumably
it is a timing issue.


Mike VP8NO

| Some may remember that I was hearing an annoying click when the receiver
of my
| K2 unmuted, only when the KPA100 and the DSP were both active, and only
| 160/80 meters.
| I tried a lot of things, however, what finally worked was changing C72
on the
| KPA100 board from 0.01 uf to 0.1 uf.  The click is gone.  Thanks to Gary
| Surrency of Elecraft for the suggestion!

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