Contests and the K3

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Contests and the K3

Ralph Parker
First of all, let's rename this thread.
I hate it when the subject line has nothing to do with the contents.
This has nothing to do with scores.

OK, kiddies, pull a chair up to the fire and let Uncle Ralphie tell you
about his experiences on the bands.

>...Once again this year the K3s AGC failed to perform adequately for us...
Good ol' Fred hits the nail on the head again.
I've been meaning to report my observations during the SS CW and WW CW.

The AGC is my least favourite part of the K3. I've tried everyone's
suggestions as to settings, and it sort of works, but I'm not satisfied.
I compare it to my most recent 'analog' radio, the 1000mp, full of Inrads.

During both the SS and WW, I was plagued with clicks from stations just
outside my passband. I don't hear the signals, just the clicks. An S9+20
signal that I can't hear produces S9 clicks that cover up weaker signals. I
usually thought they come from an un-modified 1000mp (bad reputation for
clicks), and during the SS suspected that it might be done deliberatly to
give the runners a nice clear frequency. Hmmmm.... Maybe should de-modify
my 'mp and give them a dose of their own medicine.

While running JAs in the WW, I had a station set up shop less than .4 khz
away and give me headaches with his clicks (I'm using a .250 filter and
couldn't hear his signal). I even moved to his freq and said "bad clicks"
(it was a JA). In desparation, I tried turning off the AGC, and whaddaya
know - the clix almost disappeared! That was fine until I was called by a
LOUD signal - ouch! AGC back on, and I had to find another frequency. I'll
have to do more research to see if this happens with every signal, or just
those with a tendency to click. Maybe in the 10m contest.

Somebody's gotta come up with better settings (or better software) for the
AGC. And I don't wanna hear from those who say "It's a very flexible system
- just tweak all the settings until you find the one you like". That tells
me nothing. And I know enough not to run with the NB on.

Speaking of which, I'm having trouble with the NB, too. If I adjust it to
help with the power line noise, it shortens the characters too much -
sounds like everyone has their keyer weight turned way down. (I thought
that was the case, too, until I turned the NB off.) There have been cases
on 160 where turning the NB on increases the 'mush' and makes signals less

As far as audio harshness goes, putting the DSP upgrade into #1823 smoothed
out the audio considerably - almost as good as the 'mp.

I do not rail against Elecraft the company, whom I respect.
(Although I think the comment on them not being contesters has some merit.)
I just do not understand parts of the K3.

Respectfully submitted,
Ralph, VE7XF

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Re: Contests and the K3

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Hi Ralph,

Thank you for the info. The more data we get the better.

By the way, we have a number of -very- active contesters directly
involved with the company. Bob, K6XX, is one of our key engineering
program managers  -he has a large number of K3's at his mountain-top
multi-multi station near here and also used them when he competed at
WRTC. (Half the radios at WRTC, over 48, were K3s :-)

Also, a large part of our field test group are high end contesters and

73, Eric  WA6HHQ


On 12/4/2011 11:54 AM, Ralph Parker wrote:

> First of all, let's rename this thread.
> I hate it when the subject line has nothing to do with the contents.
> This has nothing to do with scores.
> OK, kiddies, pull a chair up to the fire and let Uncle Ralphie tell you
> about his experiences on the bands.
> ...
> I do not rail against Elecraft the company, whom I respect.
> (Although I think the comment on them not being contesters has some merit.)
> I just do not understand parts of the K3.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Ralph, VE7XF
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Re: Contests and the K3

Tony Estep
In reply to this post by Ralph Parker
On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Ralph Parker <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ...I think the comment on them not being contesters has some merit....

Well, I would have said the opposite. Elecraft is definitely tuned in to
the needs of DXers and DXpeditions, and a glance at the 160 reflector after
a contest shows that plenty of low-band contesters are using K3s and giving
feedback. Note that more than half the World Championship contestants used

I subscribe to reflectors devoted to radios from two other manufacturers.
In one case, the radios get plenty of contest use and plenty of feedback,
but the manufacturer simply never responds to anything that users do or
say. In the other case, the only mention of contests is to gripe about the
congestion on the bands. The radios are by, of and for the casual SSB
ragchewer, and the hams on the company's staff apparently operate little.

Contests,  DXing in pileups, split operation, meteor scatter and EME, are
all modes that expose every foible in a radio's performance. Testing the
radio in tough conditions and responding to user experience are the only
way to get optimal results, and mush or no mush, I think Elecraft is trying
hard to do just that.

Tony KT0NY
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