ECN/30m Tuesday night

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ECN/30m Tuesday night

Daniel Reynolds-2
I've been in touch with Kevin/KD5ONS, and I'm going to try spearheading a 30m
version of the Elecraft CW Net Tuesday evening (UTC Wed) from 0000z-0100z on
10115 +/- 2kHz.

30m is (in my opinion) one of the best bands to operate QRP because it has less
noise than 40m, and just about everyone is running 'barefoot' on 30m, so
there's less chance of getting our 'toes' stepped on when we turn down the
power. Except for the occasional DX pileup, it's usually a nice quiet place to
make contacts and ragchew, and now with the waning sunspot cycle, 30m is
getting longer earlier - so hopefully we'll be able to get stations checking in
from all over this spring.

If we get enough interest, and if I can figure out this net-control business,
maybe we can figure out a way for folks to work towards their K2 awards at the
same time.

Daniel / AA0NI
Oklahoma City
K2 #3421

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Re: ECN/30m Tuesday night

Figures I work on Tuesday nights....but 30 is the greatest CW band hands

Gregg R. Lengling, W9DHI, Un-Retired
K2/100 SN 3075

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Reynolds" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 10:26 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] ECN/30m Tuesday night

> I've been in touch with Kevin/KD5ONS, and I'm going to try spearheading a
> 30m
> version of the Elecraft CW Net Tuesday evening (UTC Wed) from 0000z-0100z
> on
> 10115 +/- 2kHz.
> 30m is (in my opinion) one of the best bands to operate QRP because it has
> less
> noise than 40m, and just about everyone is running 'barefoot' on 30m, so
> there's less chance of getting our 'toes' stepped on when we turn down the
> power. Except for the occasional DX pileup, it's usually a nice quiet
> place to
> make contacts and ragchew, and now with the waning sunspot cycle, 30m is
> getting longer earlier - so hopefully we'll be able to get stations
> checking in
> from all over this spring.
> If we get enough interest, and if I can figure out this net-control
> business,
> maybe we can figure out a way for folks to work towards their K2 awards at
> the
> same time.
> 72/73,
> Daniel / AA0NI
> Oklahoma City
> K2 #3421
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Re: ECN/30m Tuesday night

Kevin Rock
In reply to this post by Daniel Reynolds-2
Good luck Daniel,
     Tomorrow I will not be available since I need to be at the local ARES
monthly meeting.  I hope you get a number of check ins from around the
        Kevin.   KD5ONS

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 08:26:43 -0800 (PST), Daniel Reynolds
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I've been in touch with Kevin/KD5ONS, and I'm going to try spearheading
> a 30m
> version of the Elecraft CW Net Tuesday evening (UTC Wed) from
> 0000z-0100z on
> 10115 +/- 2kHz.
> 72/73,
> Daniel / AA0NI
> Oklahoma City
> K2 #3421

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