Has anyone successfully improved the K2's immunity to magnetic fields, e.g.
from nearby mains transformers?
I'm thinking of making a mu-metal cover to enclose the K2 (apart from front
and rear), leaving room for air circulation top and bottom. I think this
should do the trick, but wondered if less drastic action would surfice, e.g.
lining the bottom panel with steel or mu-metal.
In my case the nearest mains transformers are two feet away or more, off to
the sides and rear, and it's not really practical to increase the separation
further. I've had reports of less than T9 and tests indicate it's due to
these transformers, one in the linear amp. and one in the linear PSU that
powers the K2/100. No problem on receive, but the magnetic field is
obviously stronger during TX.
Thanks / 73 Fraser G4BJM #4368.
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