Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

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Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

Kevin Rock
Good evening all,
    20 meters was very good this evening while 40 had some QSB.  Through
the help of Dick, W0NTA, and Tom, N0SS, we got 19 QNI on 20 meters.  I
missed one however.  I have a serial number but I could not get the call.  
QSB was eating folks after the first contact so fills were impossible.  I
will list the SN if anyone wants to claim it ;)

On 14050 kHz:
N4GE - Jerry - TN - K2 - 1054
N4SO - Ken - AL - K2 - 3394
NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
Mystery Guest - K2 - 2540   Any clue who this may be?
NK6A - Don - CA - KX1 - 656
N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 1787   Running the full 20 watts!!
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
WS4S - Conrad - TN - ? - ?
WO3E - Robert - MD - ? - ?
AH6RE - Curt - HI - KX1 - 464   I was hearing you, you were hearing Dick,
                                 he was not hearing you, and you were not
hearing me
KI8JM - Bob - OH - K2 - 3630
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
W1TF - Ralph - GA - K1 - 1423
N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336

On 7045.50 kHz:
K4DXU - Bill - TN - KX1 - 702
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 1787
K5GUS - Dan - TX - K2 - 4426
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
KT6JS - Jack - CA - ? - ?
W7WEL - Bill - ID - Brand spanking new ATS-3.    Was the solder cold yet?
N7CQR - Dan - OR - K2 - 1010
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227

There were a number of signals we could not drag out.  If you were one of
them I am sorry.  One of these days I need to plant a few aluminum seeds
and see what sprouts.  In a month or two Dick will be doing that down in
CO.  When his crop ripens I will request a packet or two of seeds from
him.  May the Force 12 be with you Dick!

I am very glad what the sun has done for us.  The distribution of check
ins is very nice to see and hear again.  Please take care this week and
stay well.  You folks out east don't shovel too hard because you can stay
indoors, build more kits, and work more stations.  Mr. Linn can tell you
about his new one.  All you need to do is get on the air and I am sure he
will tell you about his latest toy.
        Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Might work Kevin ! Overheard a W telling a DL on 3.8MHz ish that when he was
in the Caribbean he covered two coconut palm trunks with kitchen foil, and
used them as phased verticals. Not on April 1st.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Rock" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 4:59 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

> There were a number of signals we could not drag out.  If you were one of
> them I am sorry.  One of these days I need to plant a few aluminum seeds
> and see what sprouts.
>     73,
>         Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

In reply to this post by Kevin Rock
Oops, I could swear I made it via W0NTA. Maybe my ears deceived me as I
thought Dick had asked "SI" for my nr to which I responded with K1 nr 1337
3x. Heck, even sent Dick a QSL card this morning to thank him for his
patience, hihi. Sri if I QRM'd anybody, my bad.

Better luck next week I suppose.

On a happier note, I did score WA7GSK in ID to bring my WAS list down to
three; AK, WY and NE. I mention Allen by call because he really had to run
but was nice enough to exchange a quick RST, name and state when he hrd my
faint 5 W sig from NY.

Vy 73 de Bert (Buried in snow!)
FISTS #9384
QRP ARCI #11782
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Rock" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:59 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 24, 2005

> Good evening all,
>    20 meters was very good this evening while 40 had some QSB.  Through
> the help of Dick, W0NTA, and Tom, N0SS, we got 19 QNI on 20 meters.  I
> missed one however.  I have a serial number but I could not get the call.
> QSB was eating folks after the first contact so fills were impossible.  I
> will list the SN if anyone wants to claim it ;)
> On 14050 kHz:
> N4GE - Jerry - TN - K2 - 1054
> N4SO - Ken - AL - K2 - 3394
> NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
> Mystery Guest - K2 - 2540   Any clue who this may be?
> NK6A - Don - CA - KX1 - 656
> N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650
> W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 1787   Running the full 20 watts!!
> WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
> VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
> K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
> WS4S - Conrad - TN - ? - ?
> WO3E - Robert - MD - ? - ?
> AH6RE - Curt - HI - KX1 - 464   I was hearing you, you were hearing Dick,
>                                 he was not hearing you, and you were not
> hearing me
> KI8JM - Bob - OH - K2 - 3630
> W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
> K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
> W1TF - Ralph - GA - K1 - 1423
> N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
> N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
> N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
> On 7045.50 kHz:
> K4DXU - Bill - TN - KX1 - 702
> W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 1787
> K5GUS - Dan - TX - K2 - 4426
> WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
> VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
> KT6JS - Jack - CA - ? - ?
> W7WEL - Bill - ID - Brand spanking new ATS-3.    Was the solder cold yet?
> N7CQR - Dan - OR - K2 - 1010
> N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
> There were a number of signals we could not drag out.  If you were one of
> them I am sorry.  One of these days I need to plant a few aluminum seeds
> and see what sprouts.  In a month or two Dick will be doing that down in
> CO.  When his crop ripens I will request a packet or two of seeds from
> him.  May the Force 12 be with you Dick!
> I am very glad what the sun has done for us.  The distribution of check
> ins is very nice to see and hear again.  Please take care this week and
> stay well.  You folks out east don't shovel too hard because you can stay
> indoors, build more kits, and work more stations.  Mr. Linn can tell you
> about his new one.  All you need to do is get on the air and I am sure he
> will tell you about his latest toy.
>    73,
>        Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.7.2 - Release Date: 1/21/2005
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