Elecraft Net Report for 20 Meter June 27, 2004

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Elecraft Net Report for 20 Meter June 27, 2004

Kevin Rock
Howdy Folks,
    I am a bit beat from the outdoor work and sunshine which is untypical
for Oregon this time of year.  The new greenhouse is being a bit obstinate
so it is taking more time than I would like.  Also more sweat and slivers

The QSB was slow but very deep.  I would get one or two exchanges and then
the folks would be gone.  I got AB9V twice.  He wanted to make sure his K2
was listed instead of the KX1.  He tried to QSP Dan but I am unsure which
one: WG4S or N7CQR, GA or OR?  Then I got a fellow partially: N D S Z    
OK .  I think UD would be BUD but I got his K2 4115 just fine.  So I'll
dig to see if I have that NR listed in my database.  Yes, he's Bud in OK
with K2 4115.  The number got through the QSB better than your name did
:)  Then I got one fellow asking for CQ ECN and he just went away.

But now the list:

AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
KD5SZ - Bud - OK - K2 - 4115
AL7N - Ed - AK - NTS traffic backbone for the upper 1.

There were a couple of other very light stations but I could not dig you
out.  I am sorry my ears are not better.  I dream of a stack of Yagi-Udas
up on my 100 foot tower but for now two G5RVs do the work.

Thank you all for checking in or trying.  The Eurasian and North Sea
Elecraft Nets are in their formative stages.  Please support them if you
get the chance.  We'll spread this net around the world if need be.  Then
all you folks can have fun with a chat and propagation reports and just
plain stuff.  There is no copyright on fun :)
       Kevin. KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: Elecraft Net Report for 20 Meter June 27, 2004

Bud Rogers
On Sunday 27 June 2004 20:44, Kevin Rock wrote:
> Then I got a fellow partially: N D S Z    
> OK .  I think UD would be BUD but I got his K2 4115 just fine.  So
> I'll dig to see if I have that NR listed in my database.  Yes, he's
> Bud in OK with K2 4115.  The number got through the QSB better than
> your name did

Yeah, QSB and QRN kind of ate the net here.   I wasn't sure if you heard
me.  The KD6 calling CQ right on top of us didn't help much either...

Bud Rogers <[hidden email]>
KD5SZ EM05vb K2 #4115
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Re: Elecraft Net Report for 20 Meter June 27, 2004

George McHugh
In reply to this post by Kevin Rock
Kevin Rock wrote:

> The QSB was slow but very deep.  I would get one or two exchanges and
> then the folks would be gone.
> But now the list:
> AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
> KD5SZ - Bud - OK - K2 - 4115
> AL7N - Ed - AK - NTS traffic backbone for the upper 1.

I was searching for the Elecraft Net last night but didn't hear any of
the calls you mentioned, Kevin.
On 14.054MHz I heard W4BUR/NCS, KS9SSS, W2WC, N9JZ, WM0F and KO1H. I
thought it was the Elecraft Net but obviously not.
Can anyone enlighten me?

73...George...GI4SRQ...KX1 #51
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