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The Elecraft KX1, K1, K2 and K2/100 amateur radio kits capture the excitement of building and operating your own full-featured HF radio.

Or put together your own "K-Line" with the K3 transceiver, P3 Panadapter, and KPA500 solid-sate amplifier.

Order the new KX3 portable!

Elecraft: Hands-on-Radio (TM)

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Sub-Forums & Topics (59819)
Replies Last Post Views
Re: Elecraft Digest by wa2dkg
by wa2dkg
KX1# 641 Finally on the Air but need help with KXAT1 Alignment and Test Help by Chuck Gehring
by Chuck Gehring
Re: Sequencing a chain of equipment with a K2 at the head. by Tom Hammond-3
by Tom Hammond-3
Missing Digests by Mike Walkington-3
by brad alves
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