Hi All.
I've come to the decision to sell my trusty and reliable K2 to finance some new equipment for my shop & shack.
Elecraft K2 #3375, Fully functional, currently my main rig in the shack.
KSB2 - SSB Board
MD-2 - Elecraft/Heil High Performance Desk Mic
KIO2 - RS232 Interface
KAT2 - Automatic Antenna Tuner with 2nd Antenna port
Looking for US$680 plus split on shipping in Canada/USA. Money Order Preferred.
Jeff - VA3JFF / VE3CW
L. Jeffrey Hetherington - VA3JFF / VE3CW
QRP-ARCI(sm) Contest Manager
K2 #3375 for sale: US$680.00
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