FW: z5 resonator leads

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FW: z5 resonator leads

Dan Barker
The confusion would come from the warning not to trim the leads of the
relays. Trim ALL other leads.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

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Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:13 PM
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Subject: Re: [Elecraft] z5 resonator leads

After you have you have soldered Z5 into the correct place on the PCB trim
the free wire ends as normal as with most other components.

Just to avoid any confusion!

Bob, G3VVT

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Re: z5 resonator leads

Paul Bruneau
On Mar 30, 2005, at 12:23 PM, Dan Barker wrote:

> The confusion would come from the warning not to trim the leads of the
> relays. Trim ALL other leads.

Even ICs??

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z5 resonator leads and AGC voltage

Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL
In reply to this post by Dan Barker
Dan Barker wrote:
> The confusion would come from the warning not to trim the leads of the
> relays. Trim ALL other leads.

I have assembled control, front panel and first stage of rf board.

I didn't trim the IC's leads or resistor pack's leads. I don't know why :-)

What comes to testing, I have the same "problem" with other posters
lately. If it can be called as a problem. I am not sure.

Mike Markowski wrote:
 > result of a faulty (human!) memory.  I remeasured voltages just now at
 > Control Board locations you measured and got these results:
 >   - U2 pin 5: maxes out at 3.792 V    if you believe that many
 >                                       significant figures.
 >   - U4 OUT:   7.88 V ... the culprit?

and finally Paul Bruneau (SN 4818) wrote:
 > I just ran mine through those tests a few days ago and was slightly
 > troubled to note that mine also maxed out just under the 8v. I think
 > mine got up to 7.98.

My own (SN 4759) measurements with external DMM were as follows:
- U2 pint 5 max 3.79 V
- U4 OUT 7.9 V

I understand there is no big difference between 3.80V and 3.79V.
However, when manual asks (page 47) to adjust "R1 for a reading of 3.80V
volts" it seems peculiar not to have enough adjustment scale to achieve
or exceed the required voltage.

Rolf Moberg
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Re: z5 resonator leads and AGC voltage

Paul Bruneau
On Mar 30, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL wrote:

> My own (SN 4759) measurements with external DMM were as follows:
> - U2 pint 5 max 3.79 V
> - U4 OUT 7.9 V
> I understand there is no big difference between 3.80V and 3.79V.
> However, when manual asks (page 47) to adjust "R1 for a reading of
> 3.80V volts" it seems peculiar not to have enough adjustment scale to
> achieve or exceed the required voltage.

that was exactly why I was somewhat concerned. I was ALMOST there, but
not quite. It was disconcerting to me that to get almost there, I had
to fully crank the pot to its end stop.

When a manual tells me to adjust to a voltage, I like to be somewhere
in the middle with my pot...otherwise it makes me wonder what I did
wrong. I am still wondering :)

As for the alleged 5-10% tolerance of DMMs that one poster suggested,
I'm skeptical. If they are that bad, then why doesn't the manual say to
adjust to 3.8 volts since the hundredths digit must be totally

In fact, I see that Fluke claims a .3% DC voltage accuracy of their
basic 73/77 multimeters, so thinking the problem lies with my meter
doesn't really cut it for me.

K2 SN 4818
Just getting to the toroids and loving every minute

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Re: z5 resonator leads and AGC voltage

Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL
Paul Bruneau wrote:

> When a manual tells me to adjust to a voltage, I like to be somewhere in
> the middle with my pot...otherwise it makes me wonder what I did wrong.
> I am still wondering :)


In fact after remeasuring U2 pin 5 voltage I got 3.78 volts. I am not
sure whether 3.79 volts is my fault or real previous result. Little
difference in any case. I'll remove control panel and check the RP's
connections and R1 connections later.

Distortion from the kitchen behind the owen is now about 59 + 20dB. It's
time to close down for this evening.

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Re: z5 resonator leads

Stuart Rohre
In reply to this post by Paul Bruneau
Never trim precut to length leads such as ICs and relays, and resistor
packs, or crystals.

These have just enough extension thru the normal fillet of solder to not be
a problem, and to provide a place to clip on for troubleshooting probes.

Trimming short leads that were not designed to be trimmed, or the thicker
leads on relays, inductor cans, crystals, ICs, resistor packs etc. runs the
risk of fracturing the anchor point internal to the package.  Always hold on
to the lead being cut off to avoid shock of cutting from launching an
"arrow" in an uncontrolled direction.  This also buffers the shock of
cutting the lead from affecting the component.

To summarize, the only leads to trim are individual resistors and capacitors
having the thin solder coated leads.

Look at a few commercial built boards before you willy nilly start to build
something, if you are not experienced at electronics assembly practices.

Check out the library at any Engineering college and likely you can find
texts on assembly practices; or check for military specifications on the web
for assembly practices.


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