Headband Magnifier - Father's Day Gift?

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Headband Magnifier - Father's Day Gift?

Bill W4ZV
Fellow builders,

        Having built several projects recently (K2, Emtech ZM-2
and Inrad #352 roofing filter kit for my Orion), I recently bought a
Headband Magnifier on eBay in preparation for building KD1JV's
AT Sprint II which makes extensive use of surface mount parts.

        I just received this Magnifier yesterday and thought
others might be interested.  Total cost is $9.80 with Priority
Mail shipping and Gadgetman is a pleasure to do business with:


Although this product is made of plastic, it is a fraction of the
cost of a glass Optivisor with comparable lenses and loupe.

        I have no connection with Gadgetman other than
being a very satisified customer.

                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

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RE: Headband Magnifier - Father's Day Gift?

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Wow! That is a low price!!

One of the things I like best about the Optivisor is that, like this device,
it is binocular. I didn't get the loupe with mine and have never missed it
(used an Optivisor for nearly 25 years so far).

What I do to adjust the magnification for really CLOSE work when needed is
to wear my reading glasses with it. When I want a little less magnification,
I just take off my reading glasses (or slide them down where I can look over
them like I do any time). That's the second real advantage of this type of
aid - you can use it with or without supporting eyeglasses.

Where I've seen cheaper lenses go "bad" is when they aren't optically
correct - have distortions and imperfections in the lens itself. One test I
use is to hold the lens in front of me and rotate it while looking through
it at a straight edge. If the line bends or bows, the lens isn't good
(unless it happens to be a prescription lens ground to correct astigmatism

It sounds like you got some good lenses in yours.


-----Original Message-----
Fellow builders,

...I just received this Magnifier yesterday and thought
others might be interested.  Total cost is $9.80 with Priority Mail shipping
and Gadgetman is a pleasure to do business with:


Although this product is made of plastic, it is a fraction of the cost of a
glass Optivisor with comparable lenses and loupe.

        I have no connection with Gadgetman other than
being a very satisified customer.

                                73,  Bill  W4ZV

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Re: RE: Headband Magnifier - Father's Day Gift?

Tom Mc
In reply to this post by Bill W4ZV
I just ordered one Because  - 1) I Couldn't pass up a bargain and 2) Anyone who has the foresight to place a description for a magnifier in 16 point font, must know what he's doing..hi

----- Original Message -----
From: Ron D'Eau Claire <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 12:41 pm
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Headband Magnifier - Father's Day Gift?

> Wow! That is a low price!!
> One of the things I like best about the Optivisor is that, like
> this device,
> it is binocular. I didn't get the loupe with mine and have never
> missed it
> (used an Optivisor for nearly 25 years so far).
> What I do to adjust the magnification for really CLOSE work when
> needed is
> to wear my reading glasses with it. When I want a little less
> magnification,I just take off my reading glasses (or slide them
> down where I can look over
> them like I do any time). That's the second real advantage of this
> type of
> aid - you can use it with or without supporting eyeglasses.
> Where I've seen cheaper lenses go "bad" is when they aren't optically
> correct - have distortions and imperfections in the lens itself.
> One test I
> use is to hold the lens in front of me and rotate it while looking
> throughit at a straight edge. If the line bends or bows, the lens
> isn't good
> (unless it happens to be a prescription lens ground to correct
> astigmatism<G>).
> It sounds like you got some good lenses in yours.
> Ron AC7AC
> -----Original Message-----
> Fellow builders,
> ...I just received this Magnifier yesterday and thought
> others might be interested.  Total cost is $9.80 with Priority
> Mail shipping
> and Gadgetman is a pleasure to do business with:
> http://www.auctionworks.com/store/itemDetail.asp?sid=20040615095941000000004
> 9470684&sfid=14420&id=6658256
> Although this product is made of plastic, it is a fraction of the
> cost of a
> glass Optivisor with comparable lenses and loupe.
> I have no connection with Gadgetman other than
> being a very satisified customer.
>                         73,  Bill  W4ZV
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