How about a K-RCV?

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How about a K-RCV?

Hello Elecrafters!


This seems to be a repeating theme for me.


How about Wayne and Eric design a full coverage (.5-30 Mhz) receiver based
upon the designs of the K2 and KX1.  I know I'd want one (at least one).
What's even more interesting is that a bunch of techies I work with (many of
who are not hams) would want one, too.


The wider filter of the KX1 and its enhanced receive coverage have impressed
a bunch of folks. The exceptional control of the K2 is equally impressive.
And you get to build it yourself!


I don't know if I'm talking about one or two rigs here. Maybe a small
portable and a real base receiver are the answer.


I routinely scan catalogs and the web for SWL receivers and I'm almost
always disappointed by the lack of features or the high price. Heck, a used
(but restored) R 390A often sells for just under $2K! Surely, Elecraft can
do better than that and there won't be lubrication and transmission issues
to deal with.


That's my pitch and my plea.


What do you folks think?




Lonnie NY2LJ

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Re: How about a K-RCV?

Michael Ross-6
I'd buy an Elecraft general coverage RX in a snap!

73 de Mike, W2VD

> Hello Elecrafters!
> This seems to be a repeating theme for me.
> How about Wayne and Eric design a full coverage (.5-30 Mhz) receiver based
> upon the designs of the K2 and KX1.  I know I'd want one (at least one).
> What's even more interesting is that a bunch of techies I work with (many
> who are not hams) would want one, too.
> Lonnie NY2LJ

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Re: How about a K-RCV?

Tony Morgan-2
Count me in!

Tony W7GO
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Re: How about a K-RCV?

Sylvain Dubois
In reply to this post by lonnie.m.juli
I would snap one up too!

And just to throw oil on this fire;  what do you all think of an Elecraft
hand-held  6m, 220, 2m kit?
What do you say Erik, Wayne?        :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lonnie Juli" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] How about a K-RCV?

> Hello Elecrafters!
> This seems to be a repeating theme for me.
> How about Wayne and Eric design a full coverage (.5-30 Mhz) receiver based
> upon the designs of the K2 and KX1.  I know I'd want one (at least one).
> What's even more interesting is that a bunch of techies I work with (many
> who are not hams) would want one, too.
> The wider filter of the KX1 and its enhanced receive coverage have

> a bunch of folks. The exceptional control of the K2 is equally impressive.
> And you get to build it yourself!
> I don't know if I'm talking about one or two rigs here. Maybe a small
> portable and a real base receiver are the answer.
> I routinely scan catalogs and the web for SWL receivers and I'm almost
> always disappointed by the lack of features or the high price. Heck, a

> (but restored) R 390A often sells for just under $2K! Surely, Elecraft can
> do better than that and there won't be lubrication and transmission issues
> to deal with.
> That's my pitch and my plea.
> What do you folks think?
> 73,
> Lonnie NY2LJ
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Re: How about a K-RCV?

Rich Ardolino
In reply to this post by lonnie.m.juli
You are is a repeating comes up every few months. I brought it up myself once. So far as I remember( I could have missed some) , never any comments/response  one way or the other from Wayne and Eric  My hope is they are listening and working on it and will eventually spring it on us as a debugged, ready to market kit.I think a bunch od us Elecraftes will keep asking....and I will buy if ( no...lets think positive, make that when ) it  happens.

Rich   K2CPE
K2 #1102

> This seems to be a repeating theme for me.
> How about Wayne and Eric design a full coverage (.5-30 Mhz) receiver...................
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Re: How about a K-RCV?

In reply to this post by lonnie.m.juli
would this include am as well as cw and upper and lower side band???????
if so count me in. for at least one maybe two have to sell my halicrafters
sx99 to buy this one

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lonnie Juli" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:49 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] How about a K-RCV?

> Hello Elecrafters!
> This seems to be a repeating theme for me.
> How about Wayne and Eric design a full coverage (.5-30 Mhz) receiver based
> upon the designs of the K2 and KX1.  I know I'd want one (at least one).
> What's even more interesting is that a bunch of techies I work with (many
> who are not hams) would want one, too.
> The wider filter of the KX1 and its enhanced receive coverage have

> a bunch of folks. The exceptional control of the K2 is equally impressive.
> And you get to build it yourself!
> I don't know if I'm talking about one or two rigs here. Maybe a small
> portable and a real base receiver are the answer.
> I routinely scan catalogs and the web for SWL receivers and I'm almost
> always disappointed by the lack of features or the high price. Heck, a

> (but restored) R 390A often sells for just under $2K! Surely, Elecraft can
> do better than that and there won't be lubrication and transmission issues
> to deal with.
> That's my pitch and my plea.
> What do you folks think?
> 73,
> Lonnie NY2LJ
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