IC-7800 vs K2

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IC-7800 vs K2

Gene A. Williamson
     Looking at what I consider the three most important measurements of a
receiver's contest performance -- BDR, Ip3, and IMD at 5khz spacing
-- in the new ARRL review of the IC-7800, I read the K2 as superior
in ALL THREE areas.

     Thank you, thank you, thank you, N6KR and WA6HHQ.

73 "YW" Gene, N7YW
K2 #3876
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Re: IC-7800 vs K2

wayne burdick
Gene A. Williamson wrote:

> Looking at what I consider the three most important measurements of a
> receiver's contest performance -- BDR, Ip3, and IMD at 5khz spacing
> -- in the new ARRL review of the IC-7800, I read the K2 as superior
> in ALL THREE areas.
> Thank you, thank you, thank you, N6KR and WA6HHQ.


I haven't seen my QST yet. But I'll be looking for it   ;)

We'll add the new data to our rig comparison table on Monday.




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Re: IC-7800 vs K2

Dan Barker
In reply to this post by Gene A. Williamson
It's on the web. http://www.arrl.org/members-only/prodrev/pdf/pr0408.pdf

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

I haven't seen my QST yet. But I'll be looking for it
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RE: Re: IC-7800 vs K2

Michael P. Rioux
Let's not loose sight of the fact of the number of failed companies that
tried to
be everything to everyone. Elecraft has a nice nitch that they have
carved out for themselves. Straying from that nitch by trying to compete
with the
rest of the crowd may not be in their best interests or ours.

Mike, W1USN K2 #1964
Boxford, MA USA
[hidden email]

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RE: IC-7800 vs K2

Robert McGwier
In reply to this post by Gene A. Williamson
Hear Hear.  I just cannot understand what is going on in the ICOM
engineering labs.  If you are an ARRL member,  go the product review
pages.  Look at the dynamics numbers for:


The packaging and the features became richer but the receivers get
WORSE as you go down in that list. It is just inexcuseable engineering.
These tests should be the standard part of every engineering design
for an amateur transceiver at the factory and if you cannot improve
the numbers, the LEAST you should do is get them to equal the last

ICOM has not improved AT ALL on the IC-781.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Gene A. Williamson
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 5:22 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] IC-7800 vs K2

     Looking at what I consider the three most important measurements of a
receiver's contest performance -- BDR, Ip3, and IMD at 5khz spacing
-- in the new ARRL review of the IC-7800, I read the K2 as superior
in ALL THREE areas.

     Thank you, thank you, thank you, N6KR and WA6HHQ.

73 "YW" Gene, N7YW
K2 #3876
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RE: IC-7800 vs K2

Darrell Bellerive-3
Unfortunately this is becoming more and more of a common practice. Bells
and whistles are demanded by the marketing folks, low manufacturing
costs are demanded by the accountants, and a copy of what the most
successful competitors product is demanded by the executive. Engineering
and quality suffer.

Thank you Eric and Wayne for daring to stand apart from todays business
philosophies and giving us unique, well engineered, high quality
products complete with superb customer service.

Darrell   VE7CLA   K2 #1973

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 15:59, Robert McGwier wrote:
> Hear Hear.  I just cannot understand what is going on in the ICOM
> engineering labs.  
> The packaging and the features became richer but the receivers get
> WORSE as you go down in that list. It is just inexcuseable engineering.

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