K1 & 160 meters

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K1 & 160 meters

Brent Sutphin WB4X
Has anyone ever had a K1 on 160?  If so how did it do?

Brent  WB4X

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Re: K1 & 160 meters

Sandy W5TVW
Yes!  Just did a board for mine.  Elecraft has all the parts except for the crystal!
My new 2 band board is for 160 and 80 meters.  Works really great.
If you don't get an answer from the people who did the change, I'll searchup the
messages and send you the thread.
Sandy W5TVW
K1 #1178
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brent Sutphin WB4X" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 7:49 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K1 & 160 meters

| Has anyone ever had a K1 on 160?  If so how did it do?
| Thanks
| Brent  WB4X
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Re: K1 & 160 meters

Joe Malloy
Sandy wrote:

>Yes!  Just did a board for mine.  Elecraft has all the parts except for the crystal!
>My new 2 band board is for 160 and 80 meters.  Works really great.
>If you don't get an answer from the people who did the change, I'll searchup the
>messages and send you the thread.
>Sandy W5TVW
>K1 #1178
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Brent Sutphin WB4X" <[hidden email]>
>To: <[hidden email]>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 7:49 PM
>Subject: [Elecraft] K1 & 160 meters
>| Has anyone ever had a K1 on 160?  If so how did it do?
>| Thanks
>| Brent  WB4X
I'm another guy who just modified his 80/40 board to be an 80/160 board
and it was really simple (even I could do it!).  It works well, too.  
The crystal from International Crystal cost about $20 and they were
actually quite fast; of course Elecraft had the rest of the parts and
they were even faster.  Total cost is about $45 -- and is worth
it....except, of course, the 160 m band is pretty darn near worthless
with QRP in the summer months...but that's when I'll put the KF1-4 in
(40, 30, 20, 15 m)!

Go for it!

Joe, W2RBA

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RE: K1 & 160 meters

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Brent Sutphin WB4X
Brent and all,

Yes, I have put a K1 on 160 meters. and I wrote a set of instructions and a
parts list for the reflector a while back.  It does just great - a 2 band
board with 160 and 80 along with a 4 band board will cover all the lower HF

Unfortunately, I just found that I did not properly archive those reflector
posts, and I don't have it locally.  It can be found in the Elecraft
Reflector Archives.

I guess I do need to dig those instructions out and post them on my website
sometime soon.


> -----Original Message-----

> Has anyone ever had a K1 on 160?  If so how did it do?
> Thanks
> Brent  WB4X
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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KX160 rig & 160 QRP

Paul - W8KC
In reply to this post by Joe Malloy

It's funny to read about the K1 on 160M.

Last week, I emailed Wayne and asked if a KX160 (160M/80M version of the
KX1) was even possible.

He said it was doable, even the autotuner (!) but the market would be too
limited to make the actual product.

My money is ready.  I wonder how many orders they would really need to do

73 =paul= w8kc

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Re: KX160 rig & 160 QRP

Brian Mury-3
On Thu, 2005-17-02 at 00:01 -0500, Paul - W8KC wrote:
> My money is ready.  I wonder how many orders they would really need to do
> it?

Only one if the price is right! :-)

73, Brian

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