K1: Dynamic range question

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K1: Dynamic range question

Andrew Moore-3
The subject of the K1's dynamic range comes up once in a while - about how
the 612 mixers (or perhaps other components?) can't deliver the dynamic
range that other designs can (such as the K2).  This may be over simplifying
but you get the idea.  Anyway, on to the question:

Is the K1's "limited" dynamic range tuned/biased towards weak signal work,
or towards handling strong signals, or does it even make sense to think of
it this way?  Or does the dynamic range move/adapt depending on what signals
are being received at a given moment?  This probably applies to radio
designs in general and not just the K1, but since I was thinking about the
K1, that's the list I posted to.

Hope the question makes sense.  Maybe I should be thinking about sensitivity
specs instead of dynamic range, but someone must be able to clue me in.

Basically, I'm wondering how well the K1 does for weak signal work, assuming
you aren't working in a contesting context with loads of other strong
signals nearby.  This undoubtedly depends on other factors too, but I'm
trying to keep it general.

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Re: K1: Dynamic range question

wayne burdick
Andrew Moore wrote:

> The subject of the K1's dynamic range comes up once in a while...
> Is the K1's "limited" dynamic range tuned/biased towards weak signal  
> work,
> or towards handling strong signals... ?

Hi Andrew,

We optimized the K1 for low receive-mode current drain (about 50 mA),  
consistent with a battery-powered radio. A low-noise/low-injection  
active mixer such as the SA612/NE602/etc. is a good choice in this  
case; it's the same mixer I used in the NorCal 40A, SST, and Sierra  
transceivers. MDS (minimum discernable signal) is very good, but  
there's also a switchable attenuator that can be kicked in if signal  
levels are very high.


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Re: K1: Dynamic range question

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