K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

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K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Craig Rairdin
Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
I have two extra resistors.
That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
kit? :-)
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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Evening Craig,

I've built the K2 with nearly all the mods for it, a K1 with a couple of the
mods for it, now doing the KX1 and DSP for the K2.  I can only remember one
time that I was missing any parts..and I just happen to have those parts in
my junk box.

Not sure how many kits you have built over the years...I've done quite a few
in the last 30+ and no matter who I got the kit from, there has been a time
or two that I was missing something.  Having said that and been down this
road enough to know that no matter how hard you try, there is always a
chance that a piece here and there might come up missing.  With Elecraft, I
found a simple e-mail to them was all it takes to get my missing part(s)...
and I had the confirmation with a day or two that the part was being shipped
and it was here within a week.

I hope your not discouraged by any of this and allow yourself to enjoy the
building process and even more fun is the operating it once it is done.  Not
since my Heathkit days have I found a company who is more into taking care
of their customers than Elecraft is...and they have been that way since day

Let us know when the rig is done and on the air so we can work you.

72's...Mike, WB8ICN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Rairdin" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:45 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
> I have two extra resistors.
> That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
> List".
> I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
> hope!)
> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
> kit? :-)
> Craig
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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin

WOW - After assembling many Elecraft kits, I can say with certainty that you
have run into an exception.
Most of the time I only inventory the critical parts (the ones for which I
don't have replacements on hand) and begin assembling.  Only a few times
have I had to dig into my spare parts bins. (Even so, I recommend against
anyone else doing what I do unless they too have a resource for extra

Complete you inventory and call (or e-mail) [hidden email] and Scott
will likely put everything you need in a care package for you and ship it
promptly.  It certainly does sound like 'Christine' was somehow distracted
when parting your kit.


----- Original Message -----

> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
> I have two extra resistors.
> That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
> List".
> I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
> hope!)
> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
> kit? :-)

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
Some of those parts may be in the envelope with the serial number label. I
would inventory everything before jumping to conclusions! If parts are
missing Elecraft will for sure make it right and quickly.
73/72 - Mike WA8BXN
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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
About 1/2 of my missing K2 parts were mislaid or misidentified, but
Elecraft cheerfully sent them on.

I think I had more than avg because the kit had a long journey before I
started it, and a few parts were folded inside the manuals, so whoever
opened the manuals before me probably dropped a few.  In fact,  I found
a few, months later, under my HW-16.

As for the bezel, in the K2 and KX1 I found such parts in unlikely
places, so be sure to check the envelopes that say things like "serial

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Art - W6KY
In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
Why would it 'never' occur to me to make a comment like this about
someone I didn't know?
Art  W6KY

Craig Rairdin <[hidden email]> wrote:

Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
kit? :-)

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Don Ehrlich-2
In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
Those little thermal insulators are probably in a small paper envelope.  I
paniced when I couldn't find mine but only for a few minutes.  The little
envelope was taped to the inside cover of the manual I think.  The
insulators are tiny thin things that peel away from a backing (like license
plate tabs) but are oh so small and flimsy and are semi-invisible even when
staring directly at them...they look like a small piece of scrap paper in
the envelope.

The extra parts are probably there in case you are installing one of the
options later .. the manual will explain when you get to the end and it
tells you that you *should* have some left over parts.

I was missing 2 or 3 parts from my kit.  They were in my mailbox two days
after my email telling Elecraft about them.

Don  K7FJ

> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
> I have two extra resistors.
> That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
> List".
> I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
> hope!)
> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
> kit? :-)
> Craig
> _______________________________________________
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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Larry Makoski W2LJ
When I built my K1 and again when I built my K2 there was not a single
part missing.  Nada, zip, zilch, zed, zero.  I had THOUGHT there were
parts missing in both kits.  It turned out that I had overlooked them or
found them to be in a place other than where I had expected them to be.

Getting the itch to build a kit again ------ maybe a KX1 in my future?

73 de Larry W2LJ

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Tom Arntzen
When I built K1 #1491 there was 4 toroids missing.
I did complete inventory before I started the kit so in time before I got to
the part where I needed those toroids
Scott had 5 toroids sent to me.
Really not a big problem IF you check all bags before starting.
But for sure annoying if you invent during building.

BOTTOM LINE...........Check out all bags first , then build.
You have some nice hours ahead of you.
Good luck!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Makoski W2LJ" <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

> When I built my K1 and again when I built my K2 there was not a single
> part missing.  Nada, zip, zilch, zed, zero.  I had THOUGHT there were
> parts missing in both kits.  It turned out that I had overlooked them or
> found them to be in a place other than where I had expected them to be.
> Getting the itch to build a kit again ------ maybe a KX1 in my future?
> 73 de Larry W2LJ
> http://www.qsl.net/w2lj
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by Larry Makoski W2LJ
On Fri, 2005-21-01 at 00:42 -0500, Larry Makoski W2LJ wrote:
> When I built my K1 and again when I built my K2 there was not a single
> part missing.  Nada, zip, zilch, zed, zero.

Me too. So far I've built a K2, KPA100, KSB2, N-gen, and XG1, and have
not had a single part missing. Impressive! I didn't inventory any of
them before building.

> Getting the itch to build a kit again ------ maybe a KX1 in my future?

Me too. I'm thinking KDSP2, KAT100, XV144, KX1 - not necessarily in that

73, Brian

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RE: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-3
        It also could be that the parts are in another bag, or laying loose
somewhere. I had this happen. I thought I was short one capacitor. Everyone
kept telling me this was an exception. I called and Scott mailed the
component. I went ahead with assembly as this cap was later on down the
assembly. Guess what, the cap was stuck to the back of the black foam that
the IC's were shipped on. Talk about egg on my face.
        Moral: Wise man say part may not be where supposed to be, but part
more than likely IS there...keep looking.
        I am assembling the KPA100 kit right now and I can't find either of
the 100pf caps C41 & C95. I sent an email off to parts. I hope I am not
wrong again.

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of W3FPR - Don Wilhelm
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:20 PM
To: Craig Rairdin; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?


WOW - After assembling many Elecraft kits, I can say with certainty that you

have run into an exception.
Most of the time I only inventory the critical parts (the ones for which I
don't have replacements on hand) and begin assembling.  Only a few times
have I had to dig into my spare parts bins. (Even so, I recommend against
anyone else doing what I do unless they too have a resource for extra

Complete you inventory and call (or e-mail) [hidden email] and Scott
will likely put everything you need in a care package for you and ship it
promptly.  It certainly does sound like 'Christine' was somehow distracted
when parting your kit.


----- Original Message -----

> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
> I have two extra resistors.
> That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
> List".
> I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
> hope!)
> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
> kit? :-)

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Re: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Hisashi T Fujinaka
In reply to this post by Larry Makoski W2LJ
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Larry Makoski W2LJ wrote:

> When I built my K1 and again when I built my K2 there was not a single part
> missing.  Nada, zip, zilch, zed, zero.  I had THOUGHT there were parts
> missing in both kits.  It turned out that I had overlooked them or found them
> to be in a place other than where I had expected them to be.

No matter what people say, there's no magic or mojo in these things.
People make mistakes, so if you can't find the parts, send an email to
Elecraft. I was missing several toroids and a couple of caps from my SSB
board and I had them replaced fairly quickly.

I defy anyone to go through their entire kit and just individually count
the parts, and then do it again and see if the counts match. There's
hundreds of little bits and that they got them most right is great. 100%
accuracy would mean checking, double checking, triple checking and then
having to pay that much extra for the human labor to do all that
checking. You want your K2 to cost twice as much? If so, have them ship
it to me, I'll check all the parts, and then I'll charge you my time for
getting all the parts right.

Hisashi T Fujinaka - [hidden email]
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte
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RE: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

In reply to this post by Craig Rairdin
        Ooops. Never mind Parts, WA7BOC pointed out the error of my ways. I
found them.
        See, the old wise man was right!

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Stein [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:06 AM
To: 'Stan Rife'
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Hi Stan,

Those pesky little guys are the yellow ones with a dark red/brown lettering
on them.
They have short leads, about 1/2" or so, lead spacing 0.2". I set them aside
during inventory with the
blue square/rectagular 'N' value caps and was 'bewildered' for a few moments
until I
found where I had placed them!!
I am at the point of checking parts for proper orientation and ready to do
the first batch of
resistance checks. What fun!

73, Roger WA7BOC K2 #755
Montesano, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Stan Rife
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 7:38 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

        It also could be that the parts are in another bag, or laying loose
somewhere. I had this happen. I thought I was short one capacitor. Everyone
kept telling me this was an exception. I called and Scott mailed the
component. I went ahead with assembly as this cap was later on down the
assembly. Guess what, the cap was stuck to the back of the black foam that
the IC's were shipped on. Talk about egg on my face.
        Moral: Wise man say part may not be where supposed to be, but part
more than likely IS there...keep looking.
        I am assembling the KPA100 kit right now and I can't find either of
the 100pf caps C41 & C95. I sent an email off to parts. I hope I am not
wrong again.

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of W3FPR - Don Wilhelm
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:20 PM
To: Craig Rairdin; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?


WOW - After assembling many Elecraft kits, I can say with certainty that you

have run into an exception.
Most of the time I only inventory the critical parts (the ones for which I
don't have replacements on hand) and begin assembling.  Only a few times
have I had to dig into my spare parts bins. (Even so, I recommend against
anyone else doing what I do unless they too have a resource for extra

Complete you inventory and call (or e-mail) [hidden email] and Scott
will likely put everything you need in a care package for you and ship it
promptly.  It certainly does sound like 'Christine' was somehow distracted
when parting your kit.


----- Original Message -----

> Just spent my first hour with my K1 kit. Here's what I'm missing so far:
> 2 - Thermal insulator, TO220; for Q6, Q7 (RF BOARD)
> 1 - Acrylic display bezel; for LCD (Front Panel)
> 1- 2N7000 transistor, TO-92 plastic
> I have two extra resistors.
> That's just the "Packing Box Parts List" and the "Front Panel Board Parts
> List".
> I'll call in the AM for replacements, but holy cow. Does it get better? (I
> hope!)
> Who is "Christine" and how much did she have to drink before she packed my
> kit? :-)

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RE: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

In reply to this post by Hisashi T Fujinaka
        Funny, when I inventoried mine all the parts were there and the
count was perfect the first time through, except for one cap I thought was
missing. Didn't have to do it again because when assembly was complete there
were no left over parts.

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Hisashi T Fujinaka
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, Larry Makoski W2LJ wrote:

No matter what people say, there's no magic or mojo in these things.
People make mistakes, so if you can't find the parts, send an email to
Elecraft. I was missing several toroids and a couple of caps from my SSB
board and I had them replaced fairly quickly.

I defy anyone to go through their entire kit and just individually count
the parts, and then do it again and see if the counts match. There's
hundreds of little bits and that they got them most right is great. 100%
accuracy would mean checking, double checking, triple checking and then
having to pay that much extra for the human labor to do all that
checking. You want your K2 to cost twice as much? If so, have them ship
it to me, I'll check all the parts, and then I'll charge you my time for
getting all the parts right.

Hisashi T Fujinaka - [hidden email]

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RE: K1 missing parts - is this to be expected?

Brian Mury-3
In reply to this post by srife
On Fri, 2005-21-01 at 09:37 -0600, Stan Rife wrote:
> Moral: Wise man say part may not be where supposed to be, but part
> more than likely IS there...keep looking.

Sounds like a good reason *not* to do an inventory before building! :-)

73, Brian

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