K2 Current Draw vs. Options

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K2 Current Draw vs. Options

John Huggins, kx4o

I hope to learn the typical current consumption of the K2/QRP with and
without various options installed.  I understand the K2 has a built in
radio current drain and voltage monitor.  If you have a K2 and a moment,
could you please jot down the reported voltage applied and current
consumption while receiving along with a list of options you have
installed in your K2 and send to me via email?

Please oh please respond directly to my email and not to the list.  I
can't imagine a more boring thread than one containing raw survey data.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: K2 Current Draw vs. Options

John W2XS

The lowest I can get the current down to is 200 mA.  That's in battery saver mode (LED graph = off, performance = battery, and LCD backlights = day (off).

If I start to turn those options on, I get:

LCD = nite = 240 mA
Opt = Perf = 300 mA
LED = Bar = 320 mA

My options are:
KAF2 Filter
KAT2 tuner
160m module
Internal battery (not used for these tests)
SSB Module

External PS set so that the internal meter reads 12.4 V.

Let us know what the results are.  I would love to be able to get below 200 mA.


John W2XS

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Re: K2 Current Draw vs. Options

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by John Huggins, kx4o

The typical receive current for a K2/10 is 240 to 300 ma. depending on
the option set.  If the KDSP2 is added, it will be higher by about 50 ma.

A fully loaded K2 I am currently working on draws 300 ma. with all
options connected (with KAF2 not the KDSP2).  Removing the KAT2 and the
KIO2 plug drops the current to 280 ma.

That is with 13.8 volts supplied from the power source.


On 5/26/2011 10:25 PM, John wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope to learn the typical current consumption of the K2/QRP with and
> without various options installed.  I understand the K2 has a built in
> radio current drain and voltage monitor.  If you have a K2 and a moment,
> could you please jot down the reported voltage applied and current
> consumption while receiving along with a list of options you have
> installed in your K2 and send to me via email?
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