K2 Frequency Jumps

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K2 Frequency Jumps

David Bixler
Hello folks:

My K2 has developed a problem where the frequency seems to jump or skip about .5
kHz when tuning across the bands.  For instance, when tuning from 14056.34 to
14056.35, the beat note from CW stations suddenly jumps about 500 Hz.  It does
it on other bands and frequencies and is repeatable from one day to the next.

The digital frequency display looks and acts normal.

Any ideas?

David Bixler  W0CH
Seneca, MO

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Re: K2 Frequency Jumps

Sam Binkley
David Bixler wrote:

>Hello folks:
>My K2 has developed a problem where the frequency seems to jump or skip about .5
>kHz when tuning across the bands.  For instance, when tuning from 14056.34 to
>14056.35, the beat note from CW stations suddenly jumps about 500 Hz.  It does
>it on other bands and frequencies and is repeatable from one day to the next.
>The digital frequency display looks and acts normal.
>Any ideas?
>David Bixler  W0CH
>Seneca, MO
I had a similar problem recently.  I ran "CAL PLL" and that cured the
problem.  Good luck.  Looking forward to seeing you in Joplin.
Sam, KL7V/5

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Re: K2 Frequency Jumps

In reply to this post by David Bixler
Does the K2 jump frquency only at that one spot, or about every 5 kHz across the band?
If the latter, it may be you need to do the CAL PLL routine.  I just went through that to
reduce the click when crossing over the PLL 5kHz boundaries.
Tom Hammond put me on to this, and it seems to have worked for me.  A good procedure
is written upon W3FPR's web page.
Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG

> Hello folks:
> My K2 has developed a problem where the frequency seems to jump or skip about .5
> kHz when tuning across the bands.  For instance, when tuning from 14056.34 to
> 14056.35, the beat note from CW stations suddenly jumps about 500 Hz.  It does
> it on other bands and frequencies and is repeatable from one day to the next.
> The digital frequency display looks and acts normal.
> Any ideas?
> David Bixler  W0CH
> Seneca, MO
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