K2 - No Signals on 7MHz Band, All other Bands OK

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K2 - No Signals on 7MHz Band, All other Bands OK

Mark Raybould-2

I have not used one of my K2s ♯5459 for 4+ years which I now find has no
signals on 7Mhz band.  The K2 is built with KSB2, K160RX, KDSP2, KAF2, KAT2
and KNB2.  An FT817 is used as a band comparator.  I changed the Real Time
Clock’s battery on an age basis as it was the original and at least 6 years
old.  1st Tap of DISPLAY shows “C1 nr”, 2nd Tap of DISPLAY shows voltage
13.6 and current 0.34.  The Receive Ant is OFF.  The background noise on
7Mhz band is much higher than on all other bands which is much more bass

Has anyone any simple checks that I can do before I get the test gear out
and confuse myself.  In advance, thank you for all your help.



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Re: K2 - No Signals on 7MHz Band, All other Bands OK

Are you on the active antenna?  Ant 1 vs Ant 2?

Mike W0MU

W0MU-1 CC Cluster w0mu.net

On 4/26/2012 8:13 AM, Mark Raybould wrote:

> Hi,
> I have not used one of my K2s ♯5459 for 4+ years which I now find has no
> signals on 7Mhz band.  The K2 is built with KSB2, K160RX, KDSP2, KAF2, KAT2
> and KNB2.  An FT817 is used as a band comparator.  I changed the Real Time
> Clock’s battery on an age basis as it was the original and at least 6 years
> old.  1st Tap of DISPLAY shows “C1 nr”, 2nd Tap of DISPLAY shows voltage
> 13.6 and current 0.34.  The Receive Ant is OFF.  The background noise on
> 7Mhz band is much higher than on all other bands which is much more bass
> sounding.
> Has anyone any simple checks that I can do before I get the test gear out
> and confuse myself.  In advance, thank you for all your help.
> MarkR
> g3xys
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Re: K2 - No Signals on 7MHz Band, All other Bands OK

Don Wilhelm-4
In reply to this post by Mark Raybould-2

"No signals on one band" usually means that you have the RX antenna
selected - a quick check can be made by putting the antenna on the RX
Antenna jack.  If it is set on, the menu for RANT is what you are
looking for.

The ANT1/2 selection is also per-band, so check that as well.

If those do not fix it, go to the secondary menu and check the setting
for D19 - you do not have the K60XV, but if you installed the rework
eliminators, you would have changed C71 - with rework eliminators or the
K60XV installed, D19 must be set to "Y" - without either installed, D19
must be "N".

Don W3FPR.

On 4/26/2012 10:13 AM, Mark Raybould wrote:

> Hi,
> I have not used one of my K2s ♯5459 for 4+ years which I now find has no
> signals on 7Mhz band.  The K2 is built with KSB2, K160RX, KDSP2, KAF2, KAT2
> and KNB2.  An FT817 is used as a band comparator.  I changed the Real Time
> Clock’s battery on an age basis as it was the original and at least 6 years
> old.  1st Tap of DISPLAY shows “C1 nr”, 2nd Tap of DISPLAY shows voltage
> 13.6 and current 0.34.  The Receive Ant is OFF.  The background noise on
> 7Mhz band is much higher than on all other bands which is much more bass
> sounding.
> Has anyone any simple checks that I can do before I get the test gear out
> and confuse myself.  In advance, thank you for all your help.
> MarkR
> g3xys
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> Sent from my Electron Powered MacBook Pro
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