K2 PLL Ref. Osc. Range Too Narrow

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K2 PLL Ref. Osc. Range Too Narrow


Hello Group,

I'm building my first K2, purchased about two months ago, and I've hit
a little bump during alignment and test (part 2).

During the PLL Reference Oscillator Range Test I came up with too
narrow a range (9.37 kHz somewhat below the 9.8 minimum)). My high
freq. ref. during the test was 12099.95, and the low was 12090.58). I
gather that my low point is not low enough. I did check the components
listed in the trouble-shooting section (D16, D17, C84, C85. L31) and
they are ok. I have also checked all soldering, and it looks fine.

I have looked over many of the messages on the list, but still wanted
to put out a request for help to those experienced with the K2. I have
seen some reference to a range as low as 9.1 kHz being ok (others say
it needs to be at least 9.8). I have also read that going to an L31
value of 12 uH is a solution.

Anyway, as always, helpful comments are welcome.


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RE: K2 PLL Ref. Osc. Range Too Narrow

Don Wilhelm-3
Mike and all,

There is a note in the "What's New" section of the Elecraft Builder's
Resource webpage that says a PLL Range of 8.8 to 18 kHz range is OK.  It
seems that information has not made it into the Errata pages yet, butr I
expcet it soon.

As I understand things, a narrow PLL range is better than a wide one - the
PLL reference will be more stable.


> -----Original Message-----
> I'm building my first K2, purchased about two months ago, and I've hit
> a little bump during alignment and test (part 2).
> During the PLL Reference Oscillator Range Test I came up with too
> narrow a range (9.37 kHz somewhat below the 9.8 minimum)). My high
> freq. ref. during the test was 12099.95, and the low was 12090.58). I
> gather that my low point is not low enough. I did check the components
> listed in the trouble-shooting section (D16, D17, C84, C85. L31) and
> they are ok. I have also checked all soldering, and it looks fine.

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Re: K2 PLL Ref. Osc. Range Too Narrow

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
In reply to this post by MikeH-3
You are OK. Anything 8.8 kHz or higher is OK. This is noted on the
builders web page at http://www.elecraft.com.

73, Eric

MikeH wrote:

> Hello Group,
> I'm building my first K2, purchased about two months ago, and I've hit a
> little bump during alignment and test (part 2).
> During the PLL Reference Oscillator Range Test I came up with too narrow
> a range (9.37 kHz somewhat below the 9.8 minimum)). My high freq. ref.
> during the test was 12099.95, and the low was 12090.58). I gather that
> my low point is not low enough. I did check the components listed in the
> trouble-shooting section (D16, D17, C84, C85. L31) and they are ok. I
> have also checked all soldering, and it looks fine.

> Anyway, as always, helpful comments are welcome.
> Mike/NR7F
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