K2 SSB install with major oops

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K2 SSB install with major oops

Sean Cavanaugh-4

I was installing the SSB module in my K2 earlier this evening, and think
I have majorly messed up the rig. I installed the SSB module per the
instructions. While I was plugging in the K2, I brushed the chassis with
the end of the connector which apparently was energized and blew the
circuit breaker for the power supply. Once I fixed everything I powered
up the K2, and it seemed to be working fine.

The next step was to verify that the CW mode was working fine. Well, not
so much. Now a 599+20 on my FT-950 is barely audible, and there is no
band noise when I switch the antenna. Since this step of the
installation says to check everything if you don't get good results, I
went over the SSB module and the reworked RF board to look for any
problems and didn't find anything.

Just to check, I reinstalled W2, W3 and C167 and left the SSB module out
and still could not receive any signals, though it had been working
before. I also tried transmitting, and was getting no power out at
all... my FT-950 couldn't detect the signal from the K2 transmitting
into a dummy load a few feet from an antenna.

I think I've blown something up during my power connector misadventure,
but I'm not sure what. I'll be replacing the power connector with a
different one that won't let me blow stuff up. ;)

Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?


Sean - VA5LF
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Re: K2 SSB install with major oops

Bill Coleman-2

On May 12, 2010, at 11:45 PM, Sean Cavanaugh wrote:
> Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?

Isn't there a signal tracing guide in the K2 manual? I would start there.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: [hidden email]
Web: http://boringhamradiopart.blogspot.com
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Re: K2 SSB install with major oops

Sean Cavanaugh-4
In reply to this post by Sean Cavanaugh-4
Thanks to all who replied with suggestions. I traced the signal and
found the problem. Turns out to be user error... I have the K60XV module
installed using BNC connectors on the top cover. Well, when installing
the SSB module, I removed the top cover and hence the K60XV, but didn't
bypass it breaking the connectivity through the BPF. I put the module
back in and everything is working correctly. I was worried for a while,
but now my baby is working again.  :)


Sean - VA5LF

Sean Cavanaugh wrote:

> Hi,
> I was installing the SSB module in my K2 earlier this evening, and think
> I have majorly messed up the rig. I installed the SSB module per the
> instructions. While I was plugging in the K2, I brushed the chassis with
> the end of the connector which apparently was energized and blew the
> circuit breaker for the power supply. Once I fixed everything I powered
> up the K2, and it seemed to be working fine.
> The next step was to verify that the CW mode was working fine. Well, not
> so much. Now a 599+20 on my FT-950 is barely audible, and there is no
> band noise when I switch the antenna. Since this step of the
> installation says to check everything if you don't get good results, I
> went over the SSB module and the reworked RF board to look for any
> problems and didn't find anything.
> Just to check, I reinstalled W2, W3 and C167 and left the SSB module out
> and still could not receive any signals, though it had been working
> before. I also tried transmitting, and was getting no power out at
> all... my FT-950 couldn't detect the signal from the K2 transmitting
> into a dummy load a few feet from an antenna.
> I think I've blown something up during my power connector misadventure,
> but I'm not sure what. I'll be replacing the power connector with a
> different one that won't let me blow stuff up. ;)
> Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?
> thanks,
> Sean - VA5LF

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