K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

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K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

Tim Logan
Hi folks -
I will confess I just sent Gary a query about this, but you know how it
goes when it is after working hours and you would sorta' like to solve
the problem tonight hi hi! Anyway, if someone truly in the know can shed
insight on either of the following this evening I would be most

I am at the stage where the K2 is pluged in for the first time (my
favorite part!!!). All tests up to the 2nd column of page 43 have passed
(ie up to the paragraph titled RF PROBE ASSEMBLY). Bands, change, menus
seem to work, voltage display works, VFO works. PF! & 2 work etc.
HOWEVER two problems have appeared. Before I go through every trouble
shooting step in the manual maybe someone has been there done that already?

1 - The PRE annunciator is turned on for all bands - even after a reset
to factory defaults. The PRE/ATT switch works and activates relays. If I
go through each band and turn off the PRE and then turn the K2 off and
on again, the bands WILL retain the status of having the PRE turned off.
However, I do not understand why it defaulted to being turned on from
the factory settings.  Can you point me in the right direction to
understand this?

2 - The RATE switch does not change rates. I checked the secondary menu
and the basic 3 rate default is set. Can you suggest where I start to
solve this issue?

Thanks in advance for any help.
73/ Tim Logan NZ7C
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Re: K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

John Lonigro

Here's my put on the topics:

1) I guess the default has to be something for the PRE/ATT switch.  As
long as it seems to work and the K2 remembers the last setting per band,
it sounds to me like it is working OK.  I can't remember what my
settings initially were.

2) Do the secondary functions of the RATE switch work (lock and "0")?  
Without digging out the schematic, my guess is that switch is just an
input to the main processor.  If the LOCK and "0" functions work, but
the RATE doesn't, it sounds like a problem with the firmware, which
would be pretty strange indeed.  So I'm guessing the LOCK and "0"
functions don't work either, which means either a bad solder joint or
perhaps a short or a defective switch.

That's my 2 cents worth.  Hope it helps.

John AA0VE

Tim Logan wrote:

> 1 - The PRE annunciator is turned on for all bands - even after a
> reset to factory defaults. The PRE/ATT switch works and activates
> relays. If I go through each band and turn off the PRE and then turn
> the K2 off and on again, the bands WILL retain the status of having
> the PRE turned off. However, I do not understand why it defaulted to
> being turned on from the factory settings.  Can you point me in the
> right direction to understand this?
> 2 - The RATE switch does not change rates. I checked the secondary
> menu and the basic 3 rate default is set. Can you suggest where I
> start to solve this issue?

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Re: K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

Tim Logan
In reply to this post by Tim Logan
Jim -
Your thoughts helped in narrowing the question. The A=B switch does
function - so I pulled the rig apart and looked all around the rate
switch for any possible solder joint problem but saw none. For good
measure thought I reheated/soldered  the 4 mounting posts for the
switch. I also checked continuity on the bottom side of the switch. In
normal position each pair of top and bottom solder points show
continuity. If I depress the switch and check continuity then the
diagonal point also shows continuity. Alas, the rate switch and lock
still do not function. I shall await with anticipation the words of Gary
the Great One tomorrow :-)  The nice thing about electronics is that one
way or another it all boils down to something being "on" or "off" - ie
anything is solvable. Sure am enjoying building this K2 with a 4000+
serial number. My first was in the early 2000's and did not have all the
mods nicely built in to the kit! Thanks for the input Jim.
73/Tim NZ7C

James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK wrote:

>Tim, I think the rig defaults to PRE ON. The only bands where I routinely do
>not use the preamp are 40 sometimes, 80, and 160. The rate switch is one of
>the switches "read" by U2 on the control panel. Look for a cold solder joint
>there. Rate and A=B/SPLIT share the same pull up resistor on RP1 so if
>A=B/SPLIT does its thing the the trouble is around the rate switch. The
>switch data is returned to the MCU serially so the fact that all the other
>switches are working excludes U2 and the serial path to the MCU.
>Jim, W4ATK
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [hidden email]
>[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Tim Logan
>Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:21 PM
>To: Elec-Reflector
>Subject: [Elecraft] K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some
>Hi folks -
>I will confess I just sent Gary a query about this, but you know how it
>goes when it is after working hours and you would sorta' like to solve
>the problem tonight hi hi! Anyway, if someone truly in the know can shed
>insight on either of the following this evening I would be most
>I am at the stage where the K2 is pluged in for the first time (my
>favorite part!!!). All tests up to the 2nd column of page 43 have passed
>(ie up to the paragraph titled RF PROBE ASSEMBLY). Bands, change, menus
>seem to work, voltage display works, VFO works. PF! & 2 work etc.
>HOWEVER two problems have appeared. Before I go through every trouble
>shooting step in the manual maybe someone has been there done that already?
>1 - The PRE annunciator is turned on for all bands - even after a reset
>to factory defaults. The PRE/ATT switch works and activates relays. If I
>go through each band and turn off the PRE and then turn the K2 off and
>on again, the bands WILL retain the status of having the PRE turned off.
>However, I do not understand why it defaulted to being turned on from
>the factory settings.  Can you point me in the right direction to
>understand this?
>2 - The RATE switch does not change rates. I checked the secondary menu
>and the basic 3 rate default is set. Can you suggest where I start to
>solve this issue?
>Thanks in advance for any help.
>73/ Tim Logan NZ7C
>Elecraft mailing list
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Re: K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

Don Wilhelm-3

Now that you have determined that the A=B switch works, but the RATE switch
does not, you should check the other side of the switch matrix - do the
BAND+, BAND-, DISPLAY, MENU (also ANT1/2 and NB) switches function at all?
If they do not, check the path for /BANK1 to pin 6 of U3 for continuity.
You may want to just arbitrarily re-solder the pins of U3.

With power off, you can measure continuity between U2 pin 14 and U3 pin 6 -
it should be zero ohms with the RATE switch depressed and near an open
circuit with no switches depressed.

If all the above checks are OK, I would be suspicious of a zapped input (pin
6) on U3.


----- Original Message -----

> Jim -
> Your thoughts helped in narrowing the question. The A=B switch does
> function - so I pulled the rig apart and looked all around the rate switch
> for any possible solder joint problem but saw none. For good measure
> thought I reheated/soldered  the 4 mounting posts for the switch. I also
> checked continuity on the bottom side of the switch. In normal position
> each pair of top and bottom solder points show continuity. If I depress
> the switch and check continuity then the diagonal point also shows
> continuity. Alas, the rate switch and lock still do not function. I shall
> await with anticipation the words of Gary the Great One tomorrow :-)  The
> nice thing about electronics is that one way or another it all boils down
> to something being "on" or "off" - ie anything is solvable. Sure am
> enjoying building this K2 with a 4000+ serial number. My first was in the
> early 2000's and did not have all the mods nicely built in to the kit!
> Thanks for the input Jim.
> 73/Tim NZ7C

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Re: K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some help

Don Wilhelm-3
Sorry,  That would be an output from U3 pin 6.


----- Original Message -----
From: "W3FPR - Don Wilhelm" <[hidden email]>
To: "Tim Logan" <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 problem at page 43 of Rev. F manual - need some

> Tim,
> Now that you have determined that the A=B switch works, but the RATE
> switch does not, you should check the other side of the switch matrix - do
> the BAND+, BAND-, DISPLAY, MENU (also ANT1/2 and NB) switches function at
> all? If they do not, check the path for /BANK1 to pin 6 of U3 for
> continuity. You may want to just arbitrarily re-solder the pins of U3.
> With power off, you can measure continuity between U2 pin 14 and U3 pin
> 6 - it should be zero ohms with the RATE switch depressed and near an open
> circuit with no switches depressed.
> If all the above checks are OK, I would be suspicious of a zapped input
> (pin 6) on U3.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Jim -
>> Your thoughts helped in narrowing the question. The A=B switch does
>> function - so I pulled the rig apart and looked all around the rate
>> switch for any possible solder joint problem but saw none. For good
>> measure thought I reheated/soldered  the 4 mounting posts for the switch.
>> I also checked continuity on the bottom side of the switch. In normal
>> position each pair of top and bottom solder points show continuity. If I
>> depress the switch and check continuity then the diagonal point also
>> shows continuity. Alas, the rate switch and lock still do not function. I
>> shall await with anticipation the words of Gary the Great One tomorrow
>> :-)  The nice thing about electronics is that one way or another it all
>> boils down to something being "on" or "off" - ie anything is solvable.
>> Sure am enjoying building this K2 with a 4000+ serial number. My first
>> was in the early 2000's and did not have all the mods nicely built in to
>> the kit! Thanks for the input Jim.
>> 73/Tim NZ7C
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