[K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton

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[K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton

I placed my order for a K3 at Dayton yesterday after talking with Wayne and a few others at the Elecraft booth.  Wayne is a very popular guy, so I had to wait for an opening a couple of times.  Seems like these guys couldn't even get a minute alone to get something to eat!  Wayne was very helpful with my questions about QSK on the K3 vs. the Orion II, CW roofing filters, hardware mods, and using high impedance microphones, although I first asked Eric about using my Shure 444 microphone (older model with high impedance only).  He told me that I might need a single transistor circuit to transform the impedance, but he also told me that Wayne would be a better person to ask.  When I finally got the chance to talk to Wayne again, he told me that Eric would probably be able to help me more on the microphone question, but told me that it should work.

Has anyone tried using the Shure 444 microphone on the K3?  Any comments will be appreciated.

I look forward to assembling my new K3 soon, but judging by all the orders being placed at Dayton, I assume it may take a couple extra days for my order to be processed.  Thanks Wayne, Eric, and the rest of the gang from Elecraft.  You were all very helpful.  I appreciate the fact that I was able to talk to the guys who designed the K3.  Oh, and thanks for the K3 button Eric.

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Re: [K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton

Thanks for all the replies.  I'm not sure where they all ended up on the reflector (I use Nabble), but they appear in my email inbox.  Special thanks to Doug VE3MV for the pdf file.  This is exactly what I was looking for.

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Re: [K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton

In reply to this post by WB8ENE
I acquired a used 444 at a hamfest in Feb...drove straight home, soldered the plug on, and it works FB!  I did a bit of TX audio tailoring, but by all reports I didn't have to.  Just me being picky.  

Enjoy the new rig...I discover things I like about it more and more each time I hit the power button.  

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Re: [K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton


Thanks for information.  Did you need to turn the mic gain way down?  I received another response from someone who said that he installed an attenuator on the microphone because the output was too high.

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RE: [K3] Ordered K3 at Dayton

Hmmm...no gain pot on mine.  See the attachment for wiring and basic info that I used.  I am guessing yes, either turn it way down, wire around it or add a attenuator.  I get plenty of gain with mine.  You will enjoy this, I asked the fellow selling it if it worked?  He grabs the mic, slides the neck up and down, and says, "this part works!!!" 

BTW, I can say with the utmost conviction you will absolutely LOVE the K3!  I have had several rigs in my ham life, but nothing compares to this.  I am a casual ham, but decided that when I turned on the rig in the evening or Sun. afternoon wanted to be able to hear other stations and them hear me.  All that and so much more is true. 

Are you building or getting a pre-assembled? 


us_pro_444_ug.pdf (1M) Download Attachment