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[K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

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[K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Doug Turnbull
369 posts
Dear OMs and Yls,

 This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a K3
and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
contesting and can give me a dig out.


I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests the
log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does not
follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band change
arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the K3.
The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency and
does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.


 All cables look to be inserted correctly.

I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.


                73 Doug EI2CN




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Re: [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Guy, K2AV
1039 posts
If the UKeyer is showing the correct frequency, then the Ukeyer is talking
just fine to the K3,  and you need to be on the Wintest logger reflector.

Do not throw your K3 out the window or call Elecraft tech support.  K3 is
not involved.

Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer
Shut down the Microham USB Device router program.
Do whatever Wintest requires to save the log (maybe nothing).
Shut down Wintest
Reinsert the USB cable to the Ukeyer.
Bring up the USB Device router.
Restart Wintest

It should work.  IMHO, the problem most likely was RF getting into your USB
cable.  Or you could have had a power blip, or any one of the million
things that could blip a program.

If it works, write these steps down and keep them visible, so you can do
them quickly without losing your run frequency.  Without changes to the
station layout and RF susceptibility, you are going to get a lot of

73, Guy.

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Doug Turnbull <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear OMs and Yls,
>  This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a K3
> and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
> contesting and can give me a dig out.
> I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
> working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests
> the
> log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does
> not
> follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band
> change
> arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
> not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the K3.
> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency and
> does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
> Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.
>  All cables look to be inserted correctly.
> I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.
>                73 Doug EI2CN
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> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
2826 posts
In reply to this post by Doug Turnbull

> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3
> frequency and does track the K3 but it does not track the band
> changes of the UP Down Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.

Sounds like an issue with Win-Test not opening the CAT port in
microHAM Router correctly.  Have you checked the CAT settings
in Win-Test?  Is the CAT port shown as "Open" with the correct
communications parameters in microHAM Router?

Since Router is showing the correct frequency (and mode) from
the K3, the K3 and microHAM hardware appear to be operating


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2/18/2012 11:41 AM, Doug Turnbull wrote:

> Dear OMs and Yls,
>   This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a K3
> and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
> contesting and can give me a dig out.
> I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
> working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests the
> log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does not
> follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band change
> arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
> not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the K3.
> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency and
> does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
> Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.
>   All cables look to be inserted correctly.
> I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.
>                  73 Doug EI2CN
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
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Re: [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
2826 posts
In reply to this post by Guy, K2AV

 > Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer

If the ports tab is showing frequency and mode, there is no
reason to unplug the USB cable and/or restart Router.  The
issue must be in the application software - either the wrong
port is selected or the data communications parameters are


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2/18/2012 1:46 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:

> If the UKeyer is showing the correct frequency, then the Ukeyer is talking
> just fine to the K3,  and you need to be on the Wintest logger reflector.
> Do not throw your K3 out the window or call Elecraft tech support.  K3 is
> not involved.
> Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer
> Shut down the Microham USB Device router program.
> Do whatever Wintest requires to save the log (maybe nothing).
> Shut down Wintest
> Reinsert the USB cable to the Ukeyer.
> Bring up the USB Device router.
> Restart Wintest
> It should work.  IMHO, the problem most likely was RF getting into your USB
> cable.  Or you could have had a power blip, or any one of the million
> things that could blip a program.
> If it works, write these steps down and keep them visible, so you can do
> them quickly without losing your run frequency.  Without changes to the
> station layout and RF susceptibility, you are going to get a lot of
> practice.
> 73, Guy.
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Doug Turnbull<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> Dear OMs and Yls,
>>   This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a K3
>> and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
>> contesting and can give me a dig out.
>> I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
>> working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests
>> the
>> log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does
>> not
>> follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band
>> change
>> arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
>> not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the K3.
>> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency and
>> does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
>> Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.
>>   All cables look to be inserted correctly.
>> I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.
>>                 73 Doug EI2CN
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
Post: mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Guy, K2AV
1039 posts
I understand that.


Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer
Shut down the Microham USB Device router program.
Do whatever Wintest requires to save the log (maybe nothing).
Shut down Wintest
Reinsert the USB cable to the Ukeyer.
Bring up the USB Device router.
Restart Wintest

  ... is a general purpose recycle everything, that allows continuing the
contest without having to lose your run frequency, while with a
fatigue-handicapped mind, you try to figure out what the exact trouble is,
and skip a step.    :>)

73, Guy.

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV <[hidden email]> wrote:

> > Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer
> If the ports tab is showing frequency and mode, there is no
> reason to unplug the USB cable and/or restart Router.  The
> issue must be in the application software - either the wrong
> port is selected or the data communications parameters are
> incorrect.
> 73,
>   ... Joe, W4TV
> On 2/18/2012 1:46 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
>> If the UKeyer is showing the correct frequency, then the Ukeyer is talking
>> just fine to the K3,  and you need to be on the Wintest logger reflector.
>> Do not throw your K3 out the window or call Elecraft tech support.  K3 is
>> not involved.
>> Remove the USB cable from the Microham  Ukeyer
>> Shut down the Microham USB Device router program.
>> Do whatever Wintest requires to save the log (maybe nothing).
>> Shut down Wintest
>> Reinsert the USB cable to the Ukeyer.
>> Bring up the USB Device router.
>> Restart Wintest
>> It should work.  IMHO, the problem most likely was RF getting into your
>> USB
>> cable.  Or you could have had a power blip, or any one of the million
>> things that could blip a program.
>> If it works, write these steps down and keep them visible, so you can do
>> them quickly without losing your run frequency.  Without changes to the
>> station layout and RF susceptibility, you are going to get a lot of
>> practice.
>> 73, Guy.
>> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Doug Turnbull<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>  Dear OMs and Yls,
>>>  This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a
>>> K3
>>> and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
>>> contesting and can give me a dig out.
>>> I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
>>> working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests
>>> the
>>> log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does
>>> not
>>> follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band
>>> change
>>> arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
>>> not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the
>>> K3.
>>> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency
>>> and
>>> does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
>>> Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.
>>>  All cables look to be inserted correctly.
>>> I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.
>>>                73 Doug EI2CN
>>> ______________________________**______________________________**__
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>>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.**htm<http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm>
>>> Post: mailto:[hidden email].**net <[hidden email]>
>>> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
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>>>  ______________________________**______________________________**__
>> Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

Doug Turnbull
369 posts
In reply to this post by Joe Subich, W4TV-4
    I found that the problem was with my Win-Test Setup, Options, Configure
Interfaces menu setup.   COM8 is my RADIO 1 port, which needs to be
configured as 38400 BPS, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.   Somehow the
allocation had been dropped and data rate changed to 9600.   I tried
reconfiguring the K3 Config Menu for 9600 BPS but when I recycle power on
the K3 it always returns to 38400 so I have set the rate at 38400.   The
rate of 9600 had been used with an amplifier interface.   I will do what is
needed.   The whole system is now communicating.

     Thank you and all who replied.   I read all the messages and took them
all into account.   One person questioned the forum in which I was asking
the question but there needs to be some limit to the number of forums and
hardware, software, hardware integration issues are always chasing a tail.
As it turns out it was dependent on the K3 and I am very grateful that I
asked here and also appreciative of all the advice.   The gentleman who
questioned my using the Elecraft forum was however kind enough to also
provide useful guidance; so thanks to you all.   I am as always grateful and
happy with this forum and the help it provides.

      Oh joy a problem solved!!!   Yippee!!!   Mucho Gracias!!!

                73 Doug EI2CN

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 18 February 2012 19:26
To: Doug Turnbull; Elecraft Reflector
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Prob with K3, Micro Keyer II and WinTest

> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3
> frequency and does track the K3 but it does not track the band
> changes of the UP Down Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.

Sounds like an issue with Win-Test not opening the CAT port in
microHAM Router correctly.  Have you checked the CAT settings
in Win-Test?  Is the CAT port shown as "Open" with the correct
communications parameters in microHAM Router?

Since Router is showing the correct frequency (and mode) from
the K3, the K3 and microHAM hardware appear to be operating


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2/18/2012 11:41 AM, Doug Turnbull wrote:
> Dear OMs and Yls,
>   This may be slightly off topic but I at the heart of my operations is a
> and perhaps another of our number is using a similar arrangement for
> contesting and can give me a dig out.
> I am using a K3, Micro Keyer II and WInTest for contesting and all was
> working okay but no longer.   In both the CQWW 160M and ARRL CW DX tests
> log is not following the K3.   If I change bands on the K3  the log does
> follow the change.   If I change bands trying to use the up down band
> arrows in WinTest the K3 does not follow these band changes.   The log is
> not displaying the frequency changes initiated by the VFO knob A of the
> The MicroKeyer II under the PORT tab does show the correct K3 frequency

> does track the K3 but it does not track the band changes of the UP Down
> Arrows used for band changing in WinTest.
>   All cables look to be inserted correctly.
> I would be grateful for suggestions.   Thank you.
>                  73 Doug EI2CN
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
Post: mailto:[hidden email]

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