K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

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K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

I wonder if there any recommendations for the initial settings to try for
both the CW and SSB modes in the K3 ?


73 de Ray G3XLG

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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Pierfrancesco Caci
>>>>> "Ray" == Ray Spreadbury <[hidden email]> writes:

    Ray> I wonder if there any recommendations for the initial settings to try for
    Ray> both the CW and SSB modes in the K3 ?

I kept mine at the default for several months. So many new things to
learn that I preferred to concentrate on learning how to use a DSP radio
and all the other settings.
Now have it set for a peak around 800 Hz for CW (i.e. the same as the
sidetone of my liking), and I'm experimenting the pink-noise setup that
someone else recommended for SSB.

Pierfrancesco Caci, ik5pvx
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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Bill Clarke
I am into armchair listening on 75 and 40 meters and use a Behringer
audio mixer to a pair of Behringer Ms40 speakers. My EQ settings for RX
are:  +3  +3  +9  +12  +6  +5  -16  -16

Bill W2BLC

IN GOD I TRUST (but, NOT a single politician)
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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Jim Brown-10
In reply to this post by Ray G3XLG
On 5/3/2012 6:13 AM, Ray Spreadbury wrote:
> I wonder if there any recommendations for the initial settings to try for
> both the CW and SSB modes in the K3 ?

I operate CW, SSB, and several digital modes. I find that I generally
want to leave the RXEQ set flat in CW modes so that I hear off-frequency
signals under contest conditions.  I generally roll off the lower two
octave bands for SSB because those bands provide no contribution to
intelligibility, and I leave the rest set flat.

73, Jim K9YC
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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Mike K2MK
In reply to this post by Ray G3XLG
Hi Ray,

You should be aware of something that affects CW RX Equalization. On very narrow DSP widths the RX EQ is turned off. I believe it turns on at 150Hz and wider and it is off for 50 and 100Hz. Because of this, you never want to set any of the equalization values to a positive DB on CW. Only use zero or negative values. Let's say your CW pitch is set to a value between 400 Hz and 800 Hz and you set the 400 Hz and 800 Hz RX EX adjustments to +6db. Then when you turn the DSP width to 100Hz or less you would notice a 6db decrease in audio level.

Mike K2MK

Ray G3XLG wrote
I wonder if there any recommendations for the initial settings to try for
both the CW and SSB modes in the K3 ?

73 de Ray G3XLG
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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
In reply to this post by Jim Brown-10

For SSB I set the lowest two bands to -16 and set the two highest
bands for -2 (2.4) and -3 (3.6).  This gets rid of LF trash and
takes the edge off of the hiss.

I'm currently experimenting with the lowest two at -16, the next two
flat, 1600 at +3, 2400 at -3 and 3600 at -6 to provide some boost to
intelligibility (the +3 at 1600) and maintaining the hiss reduction.

For CW I set the lowest two bands to -16, then next three bands flat
and the top three to -6, -10, -12.  Leaving the middle three bands
flat allows the full "width" of almost 1000 Hz for off frequency
callers but still gets rid of low frequency trash and high frequency


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 5/3/2012 6:13 AM, Ray Spreadbury wrote:
> I wonder if there any recommendations for the initial settings to try for
> both the CW and SSB modes in the K3 ?

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Re: K3 Recommendations for Receiver Audio Equalisation

Joe alluded to it in his second paragraph, "experimenting."  Go slowly
and in small increments.*  You need time to try out a new setting in
varying conditions, and our brains need some time to adapt to the new
sounds.  I was getting nowhere with it, often changing settings in the
middle of a QSO and getting frustrated.  Jim, K9YC, finally told me to
slow down, make a small change, try it out for a few days or a week.  I
started to see improvement, and ended up with my CW and SSB settings
after maybe a month or so.  The RX EQ really does do good things, you
just can't go to the right settings for you in the first 5 minutes.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2012 Cal QSO Party 6-7 Oct 2012
- www.cqp.org

On 5/3/2012 11:31 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

> For SSB I set the lowest two bands to -16 and set the two highest
> bands for -2 (2.4) and -3 (3.6).  This gets rid of LF trash and
> takes the edge off of the hiss.
> I'm currently experimenting with the lowest two at -16, the next two
> flat, 1600 at +3, 2400 at -3 and 3600 at -6 to provide some boost to
> intelligibility (the +3 at 1600) and maintaining the hiss reduction.
> For CW I set the lowest two bands to -16, then next three bands flat
> and the top three to -6, -10, -12.  Leaving the middle three bands
> flat allows the full "width" of almost 1000 Hz for off frequency
> callers but still gets rid of low frequency trash and high frequency
> hiss

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