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Don Beattie
I apologise if this has been asked before, but I have a newly developed
problem with my K3.


In short, the speaker does not activate when the headphones are removed from
the front socket. I have tried both options under the speaker and phones
menu item. When "both" is selected, the speaker works fine with the phones
plugged in. But I want the facility to silence the speaker when using
phones, so I want to be able to select the other option, meaning that the
speaker only activates when the phones are unplugged. Selecting that option
does not activate the speaker when the phones are unplugged.


This is a new problem, and I can't understand why it's suddenly arisen. My
logic is that the 3.5mm jack socket on the rear of the rig (or the main one
on the front) is giving a false positive that the phones are plugged in,
when in fact they are not, thus disabling the speaker.


But before I start taking the hardware to bits, is there anything else I
have overlooked? I might add that I am running the latest firmware etc etc.




Don, G3BJ / G5W  

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Cady, Fred-2
Hi don,

At one point Elecraft had to change the switch that cuts out speaker audio when the phones are plugged in so there is a setting in CONFIG:SPRK+PH that selects one of two action polarities.  Tapping the 1   key toggles between PH.R SW- (inverted) and PH.R SW+.  Try changing that.


Fred KE7X

For all KE7X Elecraft manuals, see www.ke7x.com<http://www.ke7x.com>

From: [hidden email] <[hidden email]> on behalf of Don Beattie <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 6:23 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 SPEAKER

I apologise if this has been asked before, but I have a newly developed
problem with my K3.

In short, the speaker does not activate when the headphones are removed from
the front socket. I have tried both options under the speaker and phones
menu item. When "both" is selected, the speaker works fine with the phones
plugged in. But I want the facility to silence the speaker when using
phones, so I want to be able to select the other option, meaning that the
speaker only activates when the phones are unplugged. Selecting that option
does not activate the speaker when the phones are unplugged.

This is a new problem, and I can't understand why it's suddenly arisen. My
logic is that the 3.5mm jack socket on the rear of the rig (or the main one
on the front) is giving a false positive that the phones are plugged in,
when in fact they are not, thus disabling the speaker.

But before I start taking the hardware to bits, is there anything else I
have overlooked? I might add that I am running the latest firmware etc etc.


Don, G3BJ / G5W

Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft mailing list
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Don Beattie
In reply to this post by Don Beattie
Many thanks to those who replied. What a source of wisdom there is here!


Problem solved - and it was the need to tap "1" when in the "speaker + ph"
menu option to bring the speaker back into life. I'd missed this small item
and I'm so grateful to those who pointed out the small print.


I have no idea how it got reversed in the first place.




Don, G3BJ / G5W


From: Don Beattie <[hidden email]>
Sent: 29 August 2018 13:24
To: '[hidden email]' <[hidden email]>
Subject: K3 SPEAKER


I apologise if this has been asked before, but I have a newly developed
problem with my K3.


In short, the speaker does not activate when the headphones are removed from
the front socket. I have tried both options under the speaker and phones
menu item. When "both" is selected, the speaker works fine with the phones
plugged in. But I want the facility to silence the speaker when using
phones, so I want to be able to select the other option, meaning that the
speaker only activates when the phones are unplugged. Selecting that option
does not activate the speaker when the phones are unplugged.


This is a new problem, and I can't understand why it's suddenly arisen. My
logic is that the 3.5mm jack socket on the rear of the rig (or the main one
on the front) is giving a false positive that the phones are plugged in,
when in fact they are not, thus disabling the speaker.


But before I start taking the hardware to bits, is there anything else I
have overlooked? I might add that I am running the latest firmware etc etc.




Don, G3BJ / G5W  

Elecraft mailing list
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