KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

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KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

I thought that installing MCU1.05 there would be ample RF sampling rates  
taken to avoid erratic LED displays.  The updated firmware seems not to be  the
With a 50 ohm dummy load on the KAT100 output only the leftmost LED lights  
up and K2 SWR is 1:1 regardless of power or band in use.  With the Carolina  
Windom 80 attached to the KAT100 output and a Bird 43 wattmeter between the K2  
output and KAT100 input, I found the reflected power stayed at zero and the  
forward power stayed at max (regardless of band or power setting) while the  
KAT100 LEDs and K2 SWR reading were going wild.  The wildest LED and SWR  
activity occurs on 30 meters but does not occur on all bands.
I have already removed the white wire from pin 7 of the K2 end of the IO  
port and put a .01 pF cap from the white wire to the bare wire on pin 1.
My shack is on the second floor (over my garage) and I have tried to be as  
attentive to grounding as possible.  I use a common grounding point that  
attaches to a 1/2 " copper pipe (used only for grounding) that goes down approx  10
feet to an eight foot buried grounding rod.  I believe the K2 erratic  SWR
activity will stop when the KAT100 LED stray RF problem has been  eliminated.  
Has anyone made any changes or done any bypassing inside the  KAT100 to
eliminate stray RF and tame the LED display?  Roy Morris   W4WFB
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Re: KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

Don Wilhelm-3

Getting a really good RF ground for a 2nd story shack may require more than
a 1/2 inch copper pipe, it may be a good ground at DC, but actually may have
a high impedance at RF (depends on the frequency).

The easiest thing to try is a quarter wave counterpoise wire (open at the
far end and out of the way - that end WILL have high voltage RF on it).  Cut
one for each band (fan out the ends).  The wire can be stretched out on the
floor is necessary, but neater and safer if it is run outside.  If you can
get it in a straight line, so much the better, but not a requirement - but
do make gentle bends (radius of a large coffee can) if you cannot run it

The characteristics of a quarter wave wire apply - high voltage RF on one
end and zero volts on the other.  The zero volts end is a good RF ground
point - connect it directly to your KAT100.


----- Original Message -----

>I thought that installing MCU1.05 there would be ample RF sampling rates
> taken to avoid erratic LED displays.  The updated firmware seems not to be
> the
> solution.
> With a 50 ohm dummy load on the KAT100 output only the leftmost LED lights
> up and K2 SWR is 1:1 regardless of power or band in use.  With the
> Carolina
> Windom 80 attached to the KAT100 output and a Bird 43 wattmeter between
> the K2
> output and KAT100 input, I found the reflected power stayed at zero and
> the
> forward power stayed at max (regardless of band or power setting) while
> the
> KAT100 LEDs and K2 SWR reading were going wild.  The wildest LED and SWR
> activity occurs on 30 meters but does not occur on all bands.
> I have already removed the white wire from pin 7 of the K2 end of the IO
> port and put a .01 pF cap from the white wire to the bare wire on pin 1.
> My shack is on the second floor (over my garage) and I have tried to be as
> attentive to grounding as possible.  I use a common grounding point that
> attaches to a 1/2 " copper pipe (used only for grounding) that goes down
> approx  10
> feet to an eight foot buried grounding rod.  I believe the K2 erratic  SWR
> activity will stop when the KAT100 LED stray RF problem has been
> eliminated.
> Has anyone made any changes or done any bypassing inside the  KAT100 to
> eliminate stray RF and tame the LED display?  Roy Morris   W4WFB
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

Jack Brindle
In reply to this post by Unifiedtx

Try adding several feet of coax between the tuner and the antenna and  
try again. It appears you may have a voltage maximum occurring at the  
tuner - adding the coax will move it out a ways. There are just some  
impedances and feedline lengths that tuners have a difficult time  
handling. If, by chance the antenna is open-wire fed, then add coax  
between the KAT100 and the balun...

Note that the Bird will see different line characteristics than the KAT  
because it has a different placement in the line, and thus different  
voltage/current values at that point. It is the values at the tuner  
that are critical, because they are what the tuner's LC circuits have  
to match.

One other thing - the K2 gets the SWR from the KAT, so if the KAT's SWR  
display is changing, the K2's SWR display should also be changing.

If all else fails, make a video of the display and advertise it on  
late-night TV. Late-night viewers will buy anything these days, and you  
just might get rich doing it!

On Nov 20, 2004, at 8:22 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

> I thought that installing MCU1.05 there would be ample RF sampling  
> rates
> taken to avoid erratic LED displays.  The updated firmware seems not  
> to be  the
> solution.
> With a 50 ohm dummy load on the KAT100 output only the leftmost LED  
> lights
> up and K2 SWR is 1:1 regardless of power or band in use.  With the  
> Carolina
> Windom 80 attached to the KAT100 output and a Bird 43 wattmeter  
> between the K2
> output and KAT100 input, I found the reflected power stayed at zero  
> and the
> forward power stayed at max (regardless of band or power setting)  
> while the
> KAT100 LEDs and K2 SWR reading were going wild.  The wildest LED and  
> activity occurs on 30 meters but does not occur on all bands.
> I have already removed the white wire from pin 7 of the K2 end of the  
> IO
> port and put a .01 pF cap from the white wire to the bare wire on pin  
> 1.
> My shack is on the second floor (over my garage) and I have tried to  
> be as
> attentive to grounding as possible.  I use a common grounding point  
> that
> attaches to a 1/2 " copper pipe (used only for grounding) that goes  
> down approx  10
> feet to an eight foot buried grounding rod.  I believe the K2 erratic  
> activity will stop when the KAT100 LED stray RF problem has been  
> eliminated.
> Has anyone made any changes or done any bypassing inside the  KAT100 to
> eliminate stray RF and tame the LED display?  Roy Morris   W4WFB

- Jack Brindle, W6FB, ex-WA4FIB

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Re: KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

MC  Carpenter
that did it, thanks
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Brindle" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 LEDs Gone Wild

> Roy;
> Try adding several feet of coax between the tuner and the antenna and  try
> again. It appears you may have a voltage maximum occurring at the  tuner -
> adding the coax will move it out a ways. There are just some  impedances
> and feedline lengths that tuners have a difficult time  handling. If, by
> chance the antenna is open-wire fed, then add coax  between the KAT100 and
> the balun...
> Note that the Bird will see different line characteristics than the KAT
> because it has a different placement in the line, and thus different
> voltage/current values at that point. It is the values at the tuner  that
> are critical, because they are what the tuner's LC circuits have  to
> match.
> One other thing - the K2 gets the SWR from the KAT, so if the KAT's SWR
> display is changing, the K2's SWR display should also be changing.
> If all else fails, make a video of the display and advertise it on
> late-night TV. Late-night viewers will buy anything these days, and you
> just might get rich doing it!
> On Nov 20, 2004, at 8:22 AM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> I thought that installing MCU1.05 there would be ample RF sampling  rates
>> taken to avoid erratic LED displays.  The updated firmware seems not  to
>> be  the
>> solution.
>> With a 50 ohm dummy load on the KAT100 output only the leftmost LED
>> lights
>> up and K2 SWR is 1:1 regardless of power or band in use.  With the
>> Carolina
>> Windom 80 attached to the KAT100 output and a Bird 43 wattmeter  between
>> the K2
>> output and KAT100 input, I found the reflected power stayed at zero  and
>> the
>> forward power stayed at max (regardless of band or power setting)  while
>> the
>> KAT100 LEDs and K2 SWR reading were going wild.  The wildest LED and  SWR
>> activity occurs on 30 meters but does not occur on all bands.
>> I have already removed the white wire from pin 7 of the K2 end of the  IO
>> port and put a .01 pF cap from the white wire to the bare wire on pin  1.
>> My shack is on the second floor (over my garage) and I have tried to  be
>> as
>> attentive to grounding as possible.  I use a common grounding point  that
>> attaches to a 1/2 " copper pipe (used only for grounding) that goes  down
>> approx  10
>> feet to an eight foot buried grounding rod.  I believe the K2 erratic
>> SWR
>> activity will stop when the KAT100 LED stray RF problem has been
>> eliminated.
>> Has anyone made any changes or done any bypassing inside the  KAT100 to
>> eliminate stray RF and tame the LED display?  Roy Morris   W4WFB
> - Jack Brindle, W6FB, ex-WA4FIB
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------
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> Elecraft mailing list
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> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com 

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