KX1 #712 on the air

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KX1 #712 on the air

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
Looks like I'm next in line after Brent WB4X who built #711 [1].

I received my KX-1 Wednesday and finished the RX in time for Wayne's
talk at PAARA [2] and completed the TX about 3AM today.  

I lost or never got one of the 1000pF capacitors, but found them at
Fry's Electronics 2 for 59 cents.  Other than that it went together
smoothly and worked on all tests first time.

My first contact with it was cross-mode SSB/CW on 40M with JA1DOT in
Tokyo; he was running a kilowatt into a 4-element beam and I was using
my KX1 and HFPacker amp (40-50W) [3].

[1] http://mailman.qth.net/pipermail/elecraft/2004-May/033189.html
[2] http://www.paara.org
[3] http://wa5znu.org/log/archives/2004_06_01_index.html

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RE: KX1 #712 on the air

Leigh, Good News, you will really like the hfpack amp with the KX1, this is
a super combination that is high on output and easy on the batteries.  I
recommend using the internal batteries to drive the amp at 20 watts on 40 as
it is a very effective power level with a poor ground mounted antenna.  As
Leigh knows, the KX1 does quite well from a city park picnic table using a
Buddistick antenna and a couple of radials.

Super stuff!!!!  Regards, Bill K6ACJ

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KX1 waist pack $4.79 at Walmart

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
At the PAARA meeting, Wayne showed off his waist pack for the KX1, but
said that the pack seemed to be discontinued.

I was envious, and while in search of a good price on Li AA's, I found
an assortment of similar packs at WalMart, and got one that (to my
untrained eye) looked very similar, for $4.79.

See http://tinyurl.com/37ry5 for pictures of the one I got and
descriptions of the ones I didn't.


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