KX1 Controls

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KX1 Controls

Mike Morrow-3
>I *really* need one for my KX1. I have trashed 2 or 3 pots by
>compression when carrying it in my waist pack.

I've always thought that rigs like the KX1 with top-mounted controls are especially prone to this type of damage, with the controls spead out over a larger surface area.  When the controls are all on a smaller end panel, it's easier to protect them.  The KX1 needs a custom clamshell that can be snapped over the top.

Personally, I hate top-mounted controls, regardless of how often they have been lauded (without any credible evidence) as "trail-friendly."  I think the main reason for having top-mounted controls is that it's easier to attach the controls to the main PCB.

Mike / KK5F

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Re: KX1 Controls

Bob Baxter

> >I *really* need one for my KX1. I have trashed 2 or 3 pots by
> >compression when carrying it in my waist pack.

If you want to see one man's solution go to
If you don't want to read the whole article, scroll down about 2/3rds of the
way to the case he built.

Bob Baxter AA7EQ
Bisbee, Az.

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Re: KX1 Controls

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by Mike Morrow-3
Thank you both.

Maybe just the foam part in just the lid, as I already have the KX1 in a
waist pack.

I am fooling around with the machine shop program trying to design an
economical clear polycarbonate (Lexan) clamshell cover.  I have the mold
for the basic clamshell shell done, and  they price out to about $20-$25
in small quantity...but getting 25 people to pay up front may be more of
a pain in the rear than using the suggested Preparation H container, hi

KD6WYK suggested I contour it so it is low on the left over the LEDs and
buttons and rises up on the right over the knobs.

See http://wa5znu.org/log for the rendering of the vacuum mold.  (The
part would be formed along the inner surface.)


On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 10:02am, Mike Morrow wrote:
> The KX1 needs a custom clamshell that can be snapped over the top.

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:05am, Bob Baxter wrote:
> If you want to see one man's solution go to
> <http://www.arsqrp.com/ars/pages/back_issues/2003_text/1103_text/N7CEE.html>
WA5ZNU Leigh
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