KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

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KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

wayne burdick
Tip #1:

If you use a lightweight whip antenna with the KX1 (Maldol AH-14,
etc.), you can hold the KX1 with one hand and tune the VFO with your
thumb. You can also use your thumb to push the VFO knob, which selects
the tuning steps (10 Hz, 100 Hz, or 1 kHz). Tuning the VFO this way is
especially useful when you're just scanning the band, looking for
signals. If Morse audio feedback is turned on, you don't even need to
look at the display.

Tip #2:

Holding the whip (and KX1) parallel to the ground will reduce the
strength of all signals significantly. However, if you're listening
while walking, this is a good way to hold the rig, as it's easy on the
wrist. A side-benefit of the signal attenuation is that when you *do*
hear a strong signal, chances are you have a reasonable path to that
station, making it more likely they'll hear you if you call.




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Re: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

Tip #3
If you put the KX1 into the "Speed" setting it will lock the VFO
and you won't knock yourself off frequency while in QSO.
The regular 'VFO lock/unlock' requires 2 buttons to be pressed.
Paul  w0rw
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RE: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO whilewalking

Bill Johnson-10
In reply to this post by wayne burdick

Do you use a counterpoise with the whip?



K-2 (#35), KX1 (#35)
Tip #1:

If you use a lightweight whip antenna with the KX1 (Maldol AH-14,
etc.), you can hold the KX1 with one hand and tune the VFO with your
thumb. You can also use your thumb to push the VFO knob, which selects
the tuning steps (10 Hz, 100 Hz, or 1 kHz). Tuning the VFO this way is
especially useful when you're just scanning the band, looking for
signals. If Morse audio feedback is turned on, you don't even need to
look at the display.

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Re: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

wayne burdick

On Jul 1, 2004, at 7:02 PM, Bill Johnson wrote:

> Wayne,
> Do you use a counterpoise with the whip?
> Bill

Yes, 16', although a somewhat shorter length will also work and may be
preferred over some terrain. Without any counterpoise wire, at 14 MHz,
received signal loss will be minimal but your transmitted signal will
be some 8 to 16 dB down. At least this was the case in the tests I

The KX1's autotuner helps because the Maldol whip is really cut for the
high end of the 20 m band. In fact I often clip an extra 12" of thin,
stiff wire onto the top of the whip, making it a total of 60 inches,
and this results in a better match in the CW portion of the band. It
also improves the transmitted signal by a dB or two in range tests (at
about 50').

I managed four on-the-hoof QSOs during my half-hour walk today,
including VA3RAC -- not bad for 1.5 W and a short whip  ;)




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Re: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

David Pratt-3
In reply to this post by W0rw
In a recent message, [hidden email] said....
>If you put the KX1 into the "Speed" setting it will lock the VFO
>and you won't knock yourself off frequency while in QSO.
>The regular 'VFO lock/unlock' requires 2 buttons to be pressed.
>Paul  w0rw

That's fine, Paul, but you must remember to knock it out of the "Speed"
setting before transmitting, otherwise you will not get any output.

73 de David G4DMP
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K2 Wiring for Digital Mode and Packet Engine Pro

Tony Wells

For info I've wired up my K2 nicely for digital modes and it works great
with MixW etc on bpsk31 etc

I've wired up 2 mods to the K2 to route sound out via the mic socket. One
mod routes audio out from the headphone connection. This gives full power
audio thru the mic socket via the volume control. The other mod routes lower
level audio to the mic socket from the top of the vol control pot. Only two
short wires are needed to the control board mic header connectors. To keep
this flexible, I attached the audio wires to the header plugs, rather than
the header pins themselves.

By doing these mods I now have two audio outputs at the mic socket which can
be used either for digital modes or for mic/headsets. Both applications can
now be done from the one mic socket. I can either plug a headset/mic into
the socket or plug the digital interface in.

Changing subject - I've been trying to use Packet Engine Ppro and have been
having silly trouble using it with a sound card interface, plus the http
interface seems buggy - has anyone had any experience of this??



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Re: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

David Pratt-3
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
Thanks for that information, Paul.  My KX1 is #0052 and I recall
discussing the need to exit from the "Speed" setting, otherwise there
would be no output.   Wayne commented that it was intended that way so
that one could enter "test" mode without the need to go into the menu.
He has evidently had a change of mind and has changed the way it
operates in the firmware upgrade.  I am surprised there has not been any
further comment about it on the list.

73 de David G4DMP

In a recent message, [hidden email] said....
>Hi David,
>No - my KX1 has output in the "Speed" position.
>You have to press "Speed" for one second otherwise you just get the frequency
>Paul w0rw
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Re: KX1/PM (pedestrian mobile) tips: tuning the VFO while walking

In reply to this post by David Pratt-3
FYI - Pedestrian mobile side effects: My wife used to attend ham fests
with me. A few years ago in a Monterey gathering she saw someone with a
leather harness holding HT and a QRP rig. His hat contained a VHF
antenna and he had a short 8 ft whip on his back. Associated radios,
mics, etc were on the front of the harness. She asked me after he passed
by to never ask her again to attend one of these affairs again as things
were beginning to look a bit strange :).

Have fun with the mobile set up.

brian  -  n6iz

David Pratt wrote:

> In a recent message, [hidden email] said....
>> If you put the KX1 into the "Speed" setting it will lock the VFO
>> and you won't knock yourself off frequency while in QSO.
>> The regular 'VFO lock/unlock' requires 2 buttons to be pressed.
>> Paul  w0rw
> That's fine, Paul, but you must remember to knock it out of the
> "Speed" setting before transmitting, otherwise you will not get any
> output.
> 73 de David G4DMP
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