KX1 PSK31?

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KX1 PSK31?

Eric Ward-3
When I was tuning around today on my KX1, I heard the usual strong warble around 14.070 and I got the brilliant idea to: plug a patch cord from the KX1 headphone output to my soundcard input, launch PSK31 Deluxe, crack open the AF gain, and boom, 5 QSOs popped up right away.

I know the thinking on omitting an SSB option from the KX1 is because voice doesn't typically work reliably below about 10W, and an SSB board wouldn't fit in the KX1 case.  But like CW, PSK31 can work like a champ even at 100s of mW.

So how about an Elecraft-designed-and-produced *outboard* SSB adapter for the KX1, designed specifically for PSK31?  On biz trips, I usually have my KX1 and laptop--it would be great to take along one more little black box and be able to work PSK31, while making use of the KX1's KXAT1 capability to match a hotel room random wire on multiple bands.  (The Small Wonder Labs PSK series looks exceedingly cool, but is rock-bound to a single band and requires an external tuner for non-resonant antennas.)

Good idea?  Dumb idea?

N0HHS KX1 #670
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Re: KX1 PSK31?

Charles Greene

The PSK20 receive and transmit circuits are similar to the KX1 except for
one big difference.  The receive and transmit signals of the PSK20 both  go
through the filter, and in the KX1 only the receive signal goes through the
filter.  In the KX1 the DDS changes frequency to the transmit frequency,
then it is buffered and amplified.  What I am trying to say is the mods
would be too great for an outboard unit to use the KX1 transmitter, and
some of the mods would have to be to the KX1 transmitter circuit.  You
might as well start from scratch.  Or you could buy a PSK20 and use the
transmitter only and the KX1 receiver, but I don't see the point.  Just use
the PSK20 receiver.   So the PSK20 only covers one band and has no
VFO.  You need no VFO to cover all of the PSK31 segment on 20, and there
isn't much PSK31 on the other bands.  You could buy a PSK20, a PSK80, an
antenna tuner and everything else you need for PSK31 except the computer
for less than the KX1, loaded.  The KX1 is a superb CW rig.  Lets leave it
that way.  Maybe PSK31 for the KX2?  I have to admit that some people don't
fully appreciate the fact that PSK31 is similar to CW in weak signal
performance.  I can work almost anything I can hear on PSK31 with my K2
running 5 watts, except in a contest.

73,  Chas,  W1CG

At 03:32 PM 10/2/2004, you wrote:

>When I was tuning around today on my KX1, I heard the usual strong warble
>around 14.070 and I got the brilliant idea to: plug a patch cord from the
>KX1 headphone output to my soundcard input, launch PSK31 Deluxe, crack
>open the AF gain, and boom, 5 QSOs popped up right away.
>I know the thinking on omitting an SSB option from the KX1 is because
>voice doesn't typically work reliably below about 10W, and an SSB board
>wouldn't fit in the KX1 case.  But like CW, PSK31 can work like a champ
>even at 100s of mW.
>So how about an Elecraft-designed-and-produced *outboard* SSB adapter for
>the KX1, designed specifically for PSK31?  On biz trips, I usually have my
>KX1 and laptop--it would be great to take along one more little black box
>and be able to work PSK31, while making use of the KX1's KXAT1 capability
>to match a hotel room random wire on multiple bands.  (The Small Wonder
>Labs PSK series looks exceedingly cool, but is rock-bound to a single band
>and requires an external tuner for non-resonant antennas.)
>Good idea?  Dumb idea?

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Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
Hi Eric,

Great idea, but the KX1's final amplifier operates class C. To make the
KX1 transmit on SSB would require class AB PA bias and the addition of
a balanced modulator. This is not readily accomplished with either
internal mods or an external adapter.

However, it may be possible to operate the KX1 in any low-data-rate,
dual-tone FSK mode. This is compatible with a class-C final amp, and
should require only a firmware change. The KX1's key jack would serve
as the data input/output port for connection to a computer.
Unfortunately FSK (e.g. traditional RTTY) is not quite as popular as
PSK31 for QRP use, even though good reliability is possible with some

Would this be of interest?


On Oct 2, 2004, at 12:32 PM, Eric Ward wrote:

> When I was tuning around today on my KX1, I heard the usual strong
> warble around 14.070 and I got the brilliant idea to: plug a patch
> cord from the KX1 headphone output to my soundcard input, launch PSK31
> Deluxe, crack open the AF gain, and boom, 5 QSOs popped up right away.
> I know the thinking on omitting an SSB option from the KX1 is because
> voice doesn't typically work reliably below about 10W, and an SSB
> board wouldn't fit in the KX1 case.  But like CW, PSK31 can work like
> a champ even at 100s of mW.
> So how about an Elecraft-designed-and-produced *outboard* SSB adapter
> for the KX1, designed specifically for PSK31?  On biz trips, I usually
> have my KX1 and laptop--it would be great to take along one more
> little black box and be able to work PSK31, while making use of the
> KX1's KXAT1 capability to match a hotel room random wire on multiple
> bands.  (The Small Wonder Labs PSK series looks exceedingly cool,
> but is rock-bound to a single band and requires an external tuner for
> non-resonant antennas.)
> Good idea?  Dumb idea?
> 73,
> Eric
>  N0HHS KX1 #670



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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Doug Forman
I would also express my huge interest in a mini-qrp rig (KX1/K1/etc)
that is multi-band with a built-in antenna tuner for digital modes

My KX1 is a superb radio.  I absolutely love it and rate it a strong 9
out of 10.  To make 10, and be used much more for me personally, it
would need (1) the ability to do digital modes, (2) more frequency
memories, and (3) computer interface for programming and rig control
(which sort of goes along with digital modes, and sort of doesn't!)

Okay, so my wish list might not completely be consistent with a "trail
radio" and the design goals of the KX1.  No problem, I'm flexible.  Add
my requested features to the K1 instead and I will reply with my
MasterCard number instantly!  Or maybe a wonderful new Elecraft product
focused on QRP digital modes?


Doug  N7BNT
KX1 # 731

wayne burdick wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> Great idea, but the KX1's final amplifier operates class C. To make
> the KX1 transmit on SSB would require class AB PA bias and the
> addition of a balanced modulator. This is not readily accomplished
> with either internal mods or an external adapter.
> However, it may be possible to operate the KX1 in any low-data-rate,
> dual-tone FSK mode. This is compatible with a class-C final amp, and
> should require only a firmware change. The KX1's key jack would serve
> as the data input/output port for connection to a computer.
> Unfortunately FSK (e.g. traditional RTTY) is not quite as popular as
> PSK31 for QRP use, even though good reliability is possible with some
> variants.
> Would this be of interest?
> 73,
> Wayne
> On Oct 2, 2004, at 12:32 PM, Eric Ward wrote:
>> When I was tuning around today on my KX1, I heard the usual strong
>> warble around 14.070 and I got the brilliant idea to: plug a patch
>> cord from the KX1 headphone output to my soundcard input, launch
>> PSK31 Deluxe, crack open the AF gain, and boom, 5 QSOs popped up
>> right away.
>> I know the thinking on omitting an SSB option from the KX1 is because
>> voice doesn't typically work reliably below about 10W, and an SSB
>> board wouldn't fit in the KX1 case.  But like CW, PSK31 can work like
>> a champ even at 100s of mW.
>> So how about an Elecraft-designed-and-produced *outboard* SSB adapter
>> for the KX1, designed specifically for PSK31?  On biz trips, I
>> usually have my KX1 and laptop--it would be great to take along one
>> more little black box and be able to work PSK31, while making use of
>> the KX1's KXAT1 capability to match a hotel room random wire on
>> multiple bands.  (The Small Wonder Labs PSK series looks exceedingly
>> cool, but is rock-bound to a single band and requires an
>> external tuner for non-resonant antennas.)
>> Good idea?  Dumb idea?
>> 73,
>> Eric
>>  N0HHS KX1 #670
> ---
> http://www.elecraft.com
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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

In reply to this post by Eric Ward-3
This could be accomplished with a K1 using I0CG's SSB modifications
(http://it.geocities.com/giulianoi0cg/i0cg_home_page.html). It's a pity
Elecraft didn't take this idea and create an "official" K1 SSB for those
of us not brave enough to do it the hard way like I0CG.

I suppose a multi-mode QRP rig in a KX1-sized package would be even
cooler, but I guess it would need a lot of SMD circuitry to make it
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

Doug Forman <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would also express my huge interest in a mini-qrp rig (KX1/K1/etc)
that is multi-band with a built-in antenna tuner for digital modes

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
It'd certainly be of interest to me!!!

73, doug

   From: wayne burdick <[hidden email]>
   Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 23:50:06 -0700

   Hi Eric,

   Great idea, but the KX1's final amplifier operates class C. To make the
   KX1 transmit on SSB would require class AB PA bias and the addition of
   a balanced modulator. This is not readily accomplished with either
   internal mods or an external adapter.

   However, it may be possible to operate the KX1 in any low-data-rate,
   dual-tone FSK mode. This is compatible with a class-C final amp, and
   should require only a firmware change. The KX1's key jack would serve
   as the data input/output port for connection to a computer.
   Unfortunately FSK (e.g. traditional RTTY) is not quite as popular as
   PSK31 for QRP use, even though good reliability is possible with some

   Would this be of interest?


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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Sandy W5TVW
In reply to this post by g4ilo-2
Not REALLY being interested in SSB, I was fascinated by the I0CG conversion
for the K1, but only for PSK.  As far as a "new" rig from Elecraft, I'd be more
interested in one similar to the K1, but with CW and PSK capabilities.
"Filter" wise, possibly a frequency agile receiver filter bandpass
bandwidth (1.5 khz-.05 khz) and bandpass center frequency variable
over whatever the audio range would be (500-2500 Hz?)
{pipe dreams?}

Sandy W5TVW
----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian, G4ILO" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft List" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

| This could be accomplished with a K1 using I0CG's SSB modifications
| (http://it.geocities.com/giulianoi0cg/i0cg_home_page.html). It's a pity
| Elecraft didn't take this idea and create an "official" K1 SSB for those
| of us not brave enough to do it the hard way like I0CG.
| I suppose a multi-mode QRP rig in a KX1-sized package would be even
| cooler, but I guess it would need a lot of SMD circuitry to make it
| feasible.
| --
| Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
| G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo
| Doug Forman <[hidden email]> wrote:
| I would also express my huge interest in a mini-qrp rig (KX1/K1/etc)
| that is multi-band with a built-in antenna tuner for digital modes
| (PSK-31/MFSK/etc).
| _______________________________________________
| Elecraft mailing list
| Post to: [hidden email]
| You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
| Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
| Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
| Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
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I0CG K1 SSB mod

Doug Forman
I'm curious how many readers on this list have done the I0CG SSB mod to
their K1's and what the consensus is about it?  I'm especially
interested in anyone using it for digital modes (i.e. PSK31)  The
information I can find about the mod seems to end in the Summer 2003.


Doug  N7BNT

On Oct 3, 2004, at 10:52 AM, Sandy W5TVW wrote:

> Not REALLY being interested in SSB, I was fascinated by the I0CG
> conversion
> for the K1, but only for PSK.  As far as a "new" rig from Elecraft,
> I'd be more
> interested in one similar to the K1, but with CW and PSK capabilities.
> "Filter" wise, possibly a frequency agile receiver filter bandpass
> bandwidth (1.5 khz-.05 khz) and bandpass center frequency variable
> over whatever the audio range would be (500-2500 Hz?)
> {pipe dreams?}
> 73,
> Sandy W5TVW
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Julian, G4ILO" <[hidden email]>
> To: "Elecraft List" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 4:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]
> | This could be accomplished with a K1 using I0CG's SSB modifications
> | (http://it.geocities.com/giulianoi0cg/i0cg_home_page.html). It's a
> pity
> | Elecraft didn't take this idea and create an "official" K1 SSB for
> those
> | of us not brave enough to do it the hard way like I0CG.
> |
> | I suppose a multi-mode QRP rig in a KX1-sized package would be even
> | cooler, but I guess it would need a lot of SMD circuitry to make it
> | feasible.
> | --
> | Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
> | G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo
> |
> | Doug Forman <[hidden email]> wrote:
> |
> | I would also express my huge interest in a mini-qrp rig (KX1/K1/etc)
> | that is multi-band with a built-in antenna tuner for digital modes
> | (PSK-31/MFSK/etc).
> |
> | _______________________________________________
> | Elecraft mailing list
> | Post to: [hidden email]
> | You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> | Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> | Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> | Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
> |
> |
> _______________________________________________
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Re: I0CG K1 SSB mod

Jessie Oberreuter

      I don't have any personal interest, but I have considered building
one for a friend.  PSK31 would certainly be doable on the K1 with the I0CG
      For a while, I was considering building a swappable replacement head
for the K1 that turned it into a dedicated RTTY rig complete with
scrolling display and a mini-din keyboard jack :).  RTTY is pretty easy to
pull off given the K1 design.  Alas, a PSK31 head would be non-trivial.
Come to think of it, you could lose the keyboard and "type" the characters
just as easily via the cw key :).

On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Doug Forman wrote:

> I'm curious how many readers on this list have done the I0CG SSB mod to their
> K1's and what the consensus is about it?  I'm especially interested in anyone
> using it for digital modes (i.e. PSK31)  The information I can find about the
> mod seems to end in the Summer 2003.
> Thanks,
> Doug  N7BNT
> On Oct 3, 2004, at 10:52 AM, Sandy W5TVW wrote:
>> Not REALLY being interested in SSB, I was fascinated by the I0CG conversion
>> for the K1, but only for PSK.  As far as a "new" rig from Elecraft, I'd be
>> more
>> interested in one similar to the K1, but with CW and PSK capabilities.
>> "Filter" wise, possibly a frequency agile receiver filter bandpass
>> bandwidth (1.5 khz-.05 khz) and bandpass center frequency variable
>> over whatever the audio range would be (500-2500 Hz?)
>> {pipe dreams?}
>> 73,
>> Sandy W5TVW
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Julian, G4ILO" <[hidden email]>
>> To: "Elecraft List" <[hidden email]>
>> Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 4:16 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]
>> | This could be accomplished with a K1 using I0CG's SSB modifications
>> | (http://it.geocities.com/giulianoi0cg/i0cg_home_page.html). It's a pity
>> | Elecraft didn't take this idea and create an "official" K1 SSB for those
>> | of us not brave enough to do it the hard way like I0CG.
>> |
>> | I suppose a multi-mode QRP rig in a KX1-sized package would be even
>> | cooler, but I guess it would need a lot of SMD circuitry to make it
>> | feasible.
>> | --
>> | Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
>> | G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo
>> |
>> | Doug Forman <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> |
>> | I would also express my huge interest in a mini-qrp rig (KX1/K1/etc)
>> | that is multi-band with a built-in antenna tuner for digital modes
>> | (PSK-31/MFSK/etc).
>> |
>> | _______________________________________________
>> | Elecraft mailing list
>> | Post to: [hidden email]
>> | You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> | Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> | Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>> | Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
>> |
>> |
>> _______________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Post to: [hidden email]
>> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
>> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
> _______________________________________________
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> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

John, KI6WX
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
The original PSK31 implementation included an option for FSK31.
Theoretically, PSK31 should provide a 2-3 dB improvement in signal to noise
ratio over FSK31.  In practice, it is necessary to back off the power
amplifier by a few dB to keep from generating an excessively wide signal,
whereas FSK31 can be run in a class C amp at full power (as long as your
amplifier can handle transmitting a continuous carrier).  This difference
can negate the improved SNR of PSK31.  Since may of the digital mode
software products support FSK31, it would be an interesting experiment to
test its efficiency in a real communication system.

A KX1 could trivially generate a FSK31 signal.  Decoding it might require a
more powerful processor, but is doable.  The interesting question is how you
interface the input and output to the operator.  A display and keyboard
would require a larger package or a separate module that plugged into a KX1.
There are some small keyboards and displays that would work for this type of

So perhaps we ought to ask Elecraft to make a small keyboard and display
that would plug into a KX1 type radio and allow if to transmit and receive
FSK31.  It would even be a nicer option if you could plug it into a K2 and
transceive both FSK31 and PSK31.


----- Original Message -----
From: "wayne burdick" <[hidden email]>

However, it may be possible to operate the KX1 in any low-data-rate,
dual-tone FSK mode. This is compatible with a class-C final amp, and
should require only a firmware change. The KX1's key jack would serve
as the data input/output port for connection to a computer.
Unfortunately FSK (e.g. traditional RTTY) is not quite as popular as
PSK31 for QRP use, even though good reliability is possible with some

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Ullrich von Bassewitz

On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 10:35:04PM -0700, John, KI6WX wrote:
> A KX1 could trivially generate a FSK31 signal.  Decoding it might require a
> more powerful processor, but is doable.  The interesting question is how you
> interface the input and output to the operator.

Just an idea, and maybe a stupid one: Why not translate the in- and output to
morse? Most KX1 owners are proficient in morse, and it would remove the need
for an external display. Just some more software is needed...



Ullrich von Bassewitz                               [hidden email]
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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Charles Greene
In reply to this post by John, KI6WX

I would think the first step should be to add a reactance modulator and
simple interface to a computer sound card, ala the psk20, to the KX1 and
use it with an ordinary computer, running a program like MixW.  Mixw
supports FSK31 by sending an FM modulated signal via the computer sound
card to the mike input of a transceiver.  For example, I can operate FSK31
on my K2 now; I just have to select it in MixW.  I have a simple interface
made up.  Anyone can do this with any rig that operates on PSK31. The only
difference is that the KX1 finals would operate class C, and the other rigs
finals would operate class AB or some other linear mode.  Of course that
means you carry a LapTop with you when you go portable, but some have
stated that isn't a problem.  To have Elecraft to make a small keyboard and
display that would plug into a KX1 type radio and allow if to transmit and
receive FSK31, seems to be reinventing the computer.  HP, Dell, etc do it
pretty well,  Yes I'd like to have one, but  from Elecraft's point of view
I'm not sure there is much of a market for that.  Also, I'm not sure who
you would talk to, as I have never seen FSK31 used, but maybe we could
start an Elecraft net.


Chas,  W1CG

At 01:35 AM 10/8/2004, John, KI6WX wrote:

>The original PSK31 implementation included an option for FSK31.
>Theoretically, PSK31 should provide a 2-3 dB improvement in signal to noise
>ratio over FSK31.  In practice, it is necessary to back off the power
>amplifier by a few dB to keep from generating an excessively wide signal,
>whereas FSK31 can be run in a class C amp at full power (as long as your
>amplifier can handle transmitting a continuous carrier).  This difference
>can negate the improved SNR of PSK31.  Since may of the digital mode
>software products support FSK31, it would be an interesting experiment to
>test its efficiency in a real communication system.
>A KX1 could trivially generate a FSK31 signal.  Decoding it might require a
>more powerful processor, but is doable.  The interesting question is how you
>interface the input and output to the operator.  A display and keyboard
>would require a larger package or a separate module that plugged into a KX1.
>There are some small keyboards and displays that would work for this type of
>So perhaps we ought to ask Elecraft to make a small keyboard and display
>that would plug into a KX1 type radio and allow if to transmit and receive
>FSK31.  It would even be a nicer option if you could plug it into a K2 and
>transceive both FSK31 and PSK31.
>  KI6WX
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "wayne burdick" <[hidden email]>
>However, it may be possible to operate the KX1 in any low-data-rate,
>dual-tone FSK mode. This is compatible with a class-C final amp, and
>should require only a firmware change. The KX1's key jack would serve
>as the data input/output port for connection to a computer.
>Unfortunately FSK (e.g. traditional RTTY) is not quite as popular as
>PSK31 for QRP use, even though good reliability is possible with some

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

John, KI6WX
You don't need to add a reactance modulator to the KX1.  The AD9834 DDS will
directly generate FSK.  It would almost be a trivial mod for Elecraft to add
a firmware option for FSK31 that is activated through the key jack.

A computer is a lot heavier to lug around than a KX1.  A small lightweight
portable keyboard and display would be much more compatible.  The marketing
issue would be cost.  It would probably cost a substantial fraction of the
KX1 price to sell such an option.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Greene" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

> John,
> I would think the first step should be to add a reactance modulator and
> simple interface to a computer sound card, ala the psk20, to the KX1 and
> use it with an ordinary computer, running a program like MixW.  Mixw
> supports FSK31 by sending an FM modulated signal via the computer sound
> card to the mike input of a transceiver.  For example, I can operate FSK31
> on my K2 now; I just have to select it in MixW.  I have a simple interface
> made up.  Anyone can do this with any rig that operates on PSK31. The only
> difference is that the KX1 finals would operate class C, and the other
> finals would operate class AB or some other linear mode.  Of course that
> means you carry a LapTop with you when you go portable, but some have
> stated that isn't a problem.  To have Elecraft to make a small keyboard

> display that would plug into a KX1 type radio and allow if to transmit and
> receive FSK31, seems to be reinventing the computer.  HP, Dell, etc do it
> pretty well,  Yes I'd like to have one, but  from Elecraft's point of view
> I'm not sure there is much of a market for that.  Also, I'm not sure who
> you would talk to, as I have never seen FSK31 used, but maybe we could
> start an Elecraft net.
> 73,
> Chas,  W1CG

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

John, KI6WX
In reply to this post by Ullrich von Bassewitz
I thought about that option.  However, if you are going to use CW input and
output, why not just send CW in the first place.  CW probably offers better
weak signal performance than FSK31.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ullrich von Bassewitz" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 10:35:04PM -0700, John, KI6WX wrote:
> > A KX1 could trivially generate a FSK31 signal.  Decoding it might
require a
> > more powerful processor, but is doable.  The interesting question is how
> > interface the input and output to the operator.
> Just an idea, and maybe a stupid one: Why not translate the in- and output
> morse? Most KX1 owners are proficient in morse, and it would remove the
> for an external display. Just some more software is needed...
> Regards
>         Uz

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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Ullrich von Bassewitz

On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:35:24PM -0700, John, KI6WX wrote:
> I thought about that option.  However, if you are going to use CW input and
> output, why not just send CW in the first place.  CW probably offers better
> weak signal performance than FSK31.

Most people don't do CW because of it's performance, they use it because it's
a lot of fun. Someone thinking that CW is the greatest thing since sliced
bread will never use other modes anyway. But for those interested in casual
use of other modes, translation from and to CW may be an option.



Ullrich von Bassewitz                               [hidden email]
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Re: Re: KX1 PSK31? [how about FSK?]

Charles Greene

CW at 31 WPM is a little fast for me.  I suppose I could get my code speed
up, but basically I agree with John.

I tried receiving some PSK31 using a FSK31 demodulator last night with the
hope that maybe it would decode something, but no joy.  However, a FSK
demodulator should nearly as easy to implement as a CW
detector/converter.  You could come up with something the size of the MFJ
CW reader with its small display. However, again, who would you talk
to?  There's currently no FSK31 on the air.  Make it also do PSK31, then
you could use it with the Dave Benson's Small Wonder PSK31 series, the K2
or similar portable rigs.  Have provision to plug in regular keyboard.  I
have a 11" regular keyboard I use for portable operations.  There probably
would be a good market for a converter/display like that.  Why tie it to
the KX1, or FSK31?



At 04:46 AM 10/9/2004, Ullrich von Bassewitz wrote:

>On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:35:24PM -0700, John, KI6WX wrote:
> > I thought about that option.  However, if you are going to use CW input and
> > output, why not just send CW in the first place.  CW probably offers better
> > weak signal performance than FSK31.
>Most people don't do CW because of it's performance, they use it because it's
>a lot of fun. Someone thinking that CW is the greatest thing since sliced
>bread will never use other modes anyway. But for those interested in casual
>use of other modes, translation from and to CW may be an option.

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