KX1 S-Meter Scale and Zero Set confusion

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KX1 S-Meter Scale and Zero Set confusion

Chuck Gehring
I am having a great time with my KX1 #641.  Figuring out and playing with
all of the great features.

Using the REC feature to record a QSO is just too cool.  However I am a
little confused about setting the S-Meter Scale and Zero Set.
The manual references 30-99 using the VFO knob to set the zero bars and the
BAND/RIT buttons setting 2-6 for an S9+20dB signal.  If I understand that
correctly.  My KX1 shows L40-L99 using the VFO, and H2-H7 using the BAND/RIT
buttons.  Did I miss something on the Errata sheet?  I ended up using H4 and
L65 for my rig and I think its okay.  Is this just a change in firmware or
have I messed something up

Chuck Gehring

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Re: KX1 S-Meter Scale and Zero Set confusion

David Toepfer
I am not sure it is super critical, as it is audio based, but I have a
procedure I believe is more detailed than is in the manual which I will submit
to the list for Wayne and Eric's and the other experts' review when I get home.


--- Chuck Gehring <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I am having a great time with my KX1 #641.  Figuring out and playing with
> all of the great features.
> Using the REC feature to record a QSO is just too cool.  However I am a
> little confused about setting the S-Meter Scale and Zero Set.
> The manual references 30-99 using the VFO knob to set the zero bars and the
> BAND/RIT buttons setting 2-6 for an S9+20dB signal.  If I understand that
> correctly.  My KX1 shows L40-L99 using the VFO, and H2-H7 using the BAND/RIT
> buttons.  Did I miss something on the Errata sheet?  I ended up using H4 and
> L65 for my rig and I think its okay.  Is this just a change in firmware or
> have I messed something up
> Chuck Gehring
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RE: KX1 S-Meter Scale and Zero Set confusion

David Toepfer
In reply to this post by Chuck Gehring
The only procedure listed in the manual is the one found on p65 of the manual
in the SIG row of the table (summarized):

Set [L: 40-99] for zero bars indication in S-meter mode with no signal.
Set [H: 2-7] for 6 bars with an approx S9+20 dB signal injected.

I have a slightly different procedure, as I found that adjusting H after L
changed the zero set (kind of like when you tune a guitar one string after
another the strings you tune after the first end up changing the tune of the
fist string and you have to run through it again).  But I am running my
procedure by Eric and Wayne offline before I post it here.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Toepfer [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 8:14 PM
> To: Chuck Gehring; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX1 S-Meter Scale and Zero Set confusion
> I am not sure it is super critical, as it is audio based, but I have a
> procedure I believe is more detailed than is in the manual which I will
> submit
> to the list for Wayne and Eric's and the other experts' review when I get
> home.
> dt
> ..
> --- Chuck Gehring <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > I am having a great time with my KX1 #641.  Figuring out and playing with
> > all of the great features.
> >
> > Using the REC feature to record a QSO is just too cool.  However I am a
> > little confused about setting the S-Meter Scale and Zero Set.
> > The manual references 30-99 using the VFO knob to set the zero bars and
> the
> > BAND/RIT buttons setting 2-6 for an S9+20dB signal.  If I understand that
> > correctly.  My KX1 shows L40-L99 using the VFO, and H2-H7 using the
> > buttons.  Did I miss something on the Errata sheet?  I ended up using H4
> and
> > L65 for my rig and I think its okay.  Is this just a change in firmware or
> > have I messed something up
> >
> > Chuck Gehring
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Elecraft mailing list
> > Post to: [hidden email]
> > http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> > You must subscribe to post.
> > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, Unsub etc):
> > http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> > Elecraft page: http://www.elecraft.com
> >

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