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KX3 Display LEDs

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KX3 Display LEDs

Phillip Nichols-2
10 posts
Are the LEDs on the face of the KX3 really going to stand out as high as
they appear on the Elecraft site? I could see one getting broke quite  
easy being that exposed. I would hope for a lower profile on them for
safety sake.

-.  ---..  .-  -.--  .

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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

wayne burdick
4620 posts
No. About 50 mils.


On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Phillip Nichols wrote:

> Are the LEDs on the face of the KX3 really going to stand out as  
> high as
> they appear on the Elecraft site? I could see one getting broke quite
> easy being that exposed. I would hope for a lower profile on them for
> safety sake.
> 73/Phillip/N8AYE
> -.  ---..  .-  -.--  .
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Matt Maguire
64 posts
Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth of an inch (0.0254mm).

That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn something every day :-)

73, Matt VK2ACL

Google tells me that discovered a "mil" is actually an imperial measurement

On 03/01/2012, at 3:21 PM, Wayne Burdick wrote:

> No. About 50 mils.
> Wayne
> On Jan 2, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Phillip Nichols wrote:
>> Are the LEDs on the face of the KX3 really going to stand out as  
>> high as
>> they appear on the Elecraft site? I could see one getting broke quite
>> easy being that exposed. I would hope for a lower profile on them for
>> safety sake.
>> 73/Phillip/N8AYE
>> -.  ---..  .-  -.--  .
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Don Wilhelm-4
8557 posts
Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit


On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
> Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth of an inch (0.0254mm).
> That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn something every day :-)
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Matt Maguire
64 posts
I think this is due to the French influence on the metric system: in French, the word "mille" means "1000".

73, Matt VK2ACL.

On 03/01/2012, at 4:20 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
> international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
> 'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
> though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
> 'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit
> myself).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
>> Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth of an inch (0.0254mm).
>> That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn something every day :-)
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Rick Dettinger-3
189 posts
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4
I think that mil is short for milli inch, which is really mixing  
I think that power folks do even worse.  Wires larger than 4/0 are  
given in circular mils, or cm.  When I started with a power company 42  
years ago, one thousand circular mils was MCM, where the M was from  
Roman Numerals for thousand.  That was confusing, as it could also  
refer to Mega, so the M was changed to K for Kilo, so we had Kcmils.

Rick  K7MW  (not megawatts)

On Jan 2, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in  
> an
> international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
> 'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
> though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to  
> why
> 'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit
> myself).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR

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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

darren McDonald
1 post
In reply to this post by Phillip Nichols-2

In th UK, once the home of imperial hi, 0.001 of an inch is refered to as a thou (pronounced thowe) meaning thousanth of an inch
The 50 mil had me scratching my head? (5cm)
Regards Darren g0ott    
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

96 posts
In my life-time career as a Toolmaker/Mfg Eng., a millionth or a mil was
a thousandth (.001) divided by 10 or:

.001/10  =  .0001  (what we called a mil or a tenth)

I worked with those so called mils and sometimes even splitting them!
I'm not clear what is meant by the term "50 mils".

73 Dwight NS9I

On 1/3/2012 8:59 AM, darren McDonald wrote:

> In th UK, once the home of imperial hi, 0.001 of an inch is refered to as a thou (pronounced thowe) meaning thousanth of an inch
> The 50 mil had me scratching my head? (5cm)
> Regards Darren g0ott  
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Jeff Herr
90 posts

One mil at a thousand yards is one yard of deflection (azimuth)

Naval gunfire support...

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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Dave KQ3T
29 posts
In reply to this post by 'DGB'
Boy was I confused! I just saw the topic was LEDs, glanced at Wayne's
response ("50 mils"), and assumed he was referring to current consumption.

Dave KQ3T

On 1/3/2012 11:52 AM, DGB wrote:

> In my life-time career as a Toolmaker/Mfg Eng., a millionth or a mil was
> a thousandth (.001) divided by 10 or:
> .001/10  =  .0001  (what we called a mil or a tenth)
> I worked with those so called mils and sometimes even splitting them!
> I'm not clear what is meant by the term "50 mils".
> 73 Dwight NS9I
> On 1/3/2012 8:59 AM, darren McDonald wrote:
>> In th UK, once the home of imperial hi, 0.001 of an inch is refered to as a thou (pronounced thowe) meaning thousanth of an inch
>> The 50 mil had me scratching my head? (5cm)
>> Regards Darren g0ott  

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Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Bud Morin
10 posts
In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4

1 mm = 1 millimeter = 1000th of a meter
1 mA = 1 milliampere = 1000th of an Ampere
1 mW = 1 milliwatt = 1000th of a Watt
1 mT = 1 millitesla = 1000th of a Tesla
1 mil (shorthand) = 1 milli-inch = 1000th of an inch

This "mil" has nothing to do with "million"

Bud Morin, K9ZT

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Display LEDs
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 00:20:09 -0500
From: Don Wilhelm <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]

Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit


On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
>  Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth of an inch (0.0254mm).
>  That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn something every day :-)
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Re: Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Milt -- N5IA
95 posts
And it probably has its origin in Latin.  I do know that "one thousand" in
the Spanish language is "un mil" when speaking of quantities.  However, it
is "Kilo" when speaking of weights and measures.  Strange.

de Milt, N5IA

-----Original Message-----
From: Bud Morin
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 10:50 PM
To: Elecraft Discussion Group
Subject: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

1 mm = 1 millimeter = 1000th of a meter
1 mA = 1 milliampere = 1000th of an Ampere
1 mW = 1 milliwatt = 1000th of a Watt
1 mT = 1 millitesla = 1000th of a Tesla
1 mil (shorthand) = 1 milli-inch = 1000th of an inch

This "mil" has nothing to do with "million"

Bud Morin, K9ZT

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Display LEDs
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 00:20:09 -0500
From: Don Wilhelm <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]

Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit


On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
>  Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the
> LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that
> in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth of
> an inch (0.0254mm).
>  That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn
> something every day :-)
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Re: Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Igor Sokolov-2
256 posts
Kilo  is 10^3 or 1000   while milli  is 10^ -3 or 0.001 That is the

73, Igor UA9CDC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milt -- N5IA" <[hidden email]>
To: "Bud Morin" <[hidden email]>; "Elecraft Discussion Group"
<[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

> And it probably has its origin in Latin.  I do know that "one thousand" in
> the Spanish language is "un mil" when speaking of quantities.  However, it
> is "Kilo" when speaking of weights and measures.  Strange.
> de Milt, N5IA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bud Morin
> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 10:50 PM
> To: Elecraft Discussion Group
> Subject: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs
> 1 mm = 1 millimeter = 1000th of a meter
> 1 mA = 1 milliampere = 1000th of an Ampere
> 1 mW = 1 milliwatt = 1000th of a Watt
> 1 mT = 1 millitesla = 1000th of a Tesla
> 1 mil (shorthand) = 1 milli-inch = 1000th of an inch
> This "mil" has nothing to do with "million"
> 73,
> Bud Morin, K9ZT
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Display LEDs
> Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 00:20:09 -0500
> From: Don Wilhelm <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: [hidden email]
> To: [hidden email]
> Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
> international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
> 'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
> though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
> 'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit
> myself).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
>>  Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the
>> LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that
>> in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth
>> of
>> an inch (0.0254mm).
>>  That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn
>> something every day :-)
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> Elecraft mailing list
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> -----
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> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4721 - Release Date: 01/03/12
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Re: Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Milt -- N5IA
95 posts
Good morning Igor,

You are correct, to a point.

When you have a thousand units of weight, in Spanish, you do NOT say you
have "Kilo Kilos of X".  You say you have "mil kilos of X".

Likewise, when you travel a thousand units of distance, in Spanish, you do
NOT say "Kilo Kilometros",  You say "mil Kilometros".

Milli is used as a prefix for terms to indicate 10 to the minus 3rd, but mil
is used as a separate word to indicate 10 to the 3rd.

We humans have sure messed up the pure Adamic language, in multiple

Happy New Year to all, de Milt, N5IA

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Sokolov
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:52 AM
To: Milt -- N5IA ; Bud Morin ; Elecraft Discussion Group
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Kilo  is 10^3 or 1000   while milli  is 10^ -3 or 0.001 That is the

73, Igor UA9CDC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milt -- N5IA" <[hidden email]>
To: "Bud Morin" <[hidden email]>; "Elecraft Discussion Group"
<[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs

> And it probably has its origin in Latin.  I do know that "one thousand" in
> the Spanish language is "un mil" when speaking of quantities.  However, it
> is "Kilo" when speaking of weights and measures.  Strange.
> de Milt, N5IA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bud Morin
> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 10:50 PM
> To: Elecraft Discussion Group
> Subject: [Elecraft] Fwd: Re: KX3 Display LEDs
> 1 mm = 1 millimeter = 1000th of a meter
> 1 mA = 1 milliampere = 1000th of an Ampere
> 1 mW = 1 milliwatt = 1000th of a Watt
> 1 mT = 1 millitesla = 1000th of a Tesla
> 1 mil (shorthand) = 1 milli-inch = 1000th of an inch
> This "mil" has nothing to do with "million"
> 73,
> Bud Morin, K9ZT
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Display LEDs
> Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 00:20:09 -0500
> From: Don Wilhelm <[hidden email]>
> Reply-To: [hidden email]
> To: [hidden email]
> Unfortunately, one has to be cautious of common "technical slang" in an
> international community.  Yes, common in US machinist's talk is for a
> 'mil' to equal 0.001 inch.  I am not certain of the origin and even
> though I looked it up at Wikipedia, I still don't have any answer to why
> 'thou' is equal to 'mil' (even though I use and understand that unit
> myself).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 1/3/2012 12:05 AM, Matt Maguire wrote:
>>  Here a "mil" is ovbiously not referring to a millimetre, otherwise the
>> LEDs are sticking up 5cm! So, I did a google search, and discovered that
>> in the Imperial measurement system, it can also refer to one thousandth
>> of
>> an inch (0.0254mm).
>>  That means 50 mils = 1.27mm, which makes much more sense. You learn
>> something every day :-)
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> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> -----
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> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
> Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4721 - Release Date: 01/03/12
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Re: KX3 Display LEDs

Phillip Nichols-2
10 posts
>> Milli is used as a prefix for terms to indicate 10 to the minus 3rd, but mil
>> is used as a separate word to indicate 10 to the 3rd.

It is even more. This is what happens when we mix Latin with english, and modern metric with old english measurements. NOW - it is what it is!  Mil/Mille means 1000. the rest is just convention.

>> We humans have sure messed up the pure Adamic language,
>> in multiple variations.

In keeping with the recent Christmas Spirit - Actually God messed up the
languages at the tower of Babel.

But that is a different Forum haha...

-.  ---..  .-  -.--  .

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