Leather Case for K2

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Leather Case for K2

Fernando Quinones
Hello everyone.

I have made an inquiry to have a leather case made
for my K2. I was thinking of the type used
for binoculars with a shoulder strap. This way
the rig can be taken out and put back. Plain leather
without fancy adornments though.

Or one that fits snuggly around the K2 like a glove.
No need to have the rig remove, just open the front/rear

I have about four leather craftsman waiting for info/design.
This is just a exploratory note to see if any one else might
be interested. Details of cost/design etc will be later.

Perhaps the cost might be prohibited, I don't know.

Any one on the list gone down this path?

Comments to my email would be fine so that we
don't clutter the list.


San Jose, CA

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RE: Leather Case for K2

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Fernando, N2FQ wrote:

I have made an inquiry to have a leather case made
for my K2. I was thinking of the type used
for binoculars with a shoulder strap. This way
the rig can be taken out and put back. Plain leather
without fancy adornments though.

Or one that fits snuggly around the K2 like a glove.
No need to have the rig remove, just open the front/rear


Sounds neat, Fernando, but consider the need for cooling. Even the QRP K2
has a heat sink on the bottom that needs a little air space if you're
working in a warm location and doing very much transmitting. Maybe a stiff
"floor" in the case on  which the K2 feet rest so when the front and back
are open there's a gap between the feet under the unit. You could store a
log book and pencil in there for transit <G>.


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Re: Leather Case for K2

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by Fernando Quinones
There was a MountainOps nylon case at one point.
Last time I saw one on Ebay it went for more than my price range (>$40 I
think).  I sent mail to the OM who ran Mountain Ops and never heard if
they had any more.  I have one for my 817.

> I have made an inquiry to have a leather case made
> for my K2. I was thinking of the type used
> for binoculars with a shoulder strap. This way
> the rig can be taken out and put back. Plain leather
> without fancy adornments though.
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Re: Leather Case for K2

Stuart Rohre
You can find many suitable cases at places selling to other markets than ham

One time, I realized a lot of QRP rigs fit the insulated coolers for six
packs.  Makes a good way to store your rig in a car full time.

Larger cases with room for air to circulate would work for operational field
cases.  Check out old camera gadget bags with hard sides at used camera
stores or pawn shops.


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finding caps

David Morley W8IXY
on page 51 locating the following capicators c71 (82) and c73 (47)   there
is a 820 and an 4.7and c 182 (181) there is a 182

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RE: finding caps

Don Wilhelm-3
You would do well to review something like the ARRL Handbook 'Component
Data' section to become familiar with the various markings used for

The cap marked 820 should be 82 pf, the disc ceramic marked 4.7 is 4.7pf,
the cap marked 181 is 180 pf and the one marked 182 is 1800 pf.  A 47 pf
capacitor will likely be marked 470 or in exceptional cases marked 47.

The key is that a capacitor marked with 3 digits follows the '2 significant
digits plus multiplier' rule (the first two digits give the first two digits
of the value and the multiplier tells how many zeros to add to those two
digits) - values marked with only 2 digits are generally the actual value.

PS - ignore colors and other manufacturers markings - those things can
change as fast as parts suppliers manufacturing lines - I can tell you the
colors of tha capacitors shipped with the last K2 I built, but those colors
may have changed with the next one off the kitting line.


> -----Original Message-----
> on page 51 locating the following capicators c71 (82) and c73 (47)   there
> is a 820 and an 4.7and c 182 (181) there is a 182
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Re: Leather Case for K2

Daniel Reynolds-2
In reply to this post by Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
I'm thinking that any industrious ham could easily pick up where this fellow
left off and make cases like this - I've been pondering this myself since I'd
also love a black nylon carry bag for my K2 to tow it along with my buddipole
when I go picnic table portable.

-Daniel AA0NI
Oklahoma City

--- "Leigh L Klotz, Jr." <[hidden email]> wrote:

> There was a MountainOps nylon case at one point.
> Last time I saw one on Ebay it went for more than my price range (>$40 I
> think).  I sent mail to the OM who ran Mountain Ops and never heard if
> they had any more.  I have one for my 817.
> > I have made an inquiry to have a leather case made
> > for my K2. I was thinking of the type used
> > for binoculars with a shoulder strap. This way
> > the rig can be taken out and put back. Plain leather
> > without fancy adornments though.
> >
> >
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Re: Leather Case for K2

In reply to this post by Fernando Quinones
Try amazon or ebay they have good Leather Case for K2 .