List Rule change, PLEASE!

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List Rule change, PLEASE!

Eric, Wayne and Don -

I have read approximately 1500 of the post on this list.  I have found some of them very informative, while others are almost useless.  Why?

Because there needs to be a basic rule change.  I appreciate the fact that you guys get back SO quickly when someone post a problem (ME).  But 99 times out of 100 all the resolution and responses are done OFF LIST.  So those of us who are doing research find NO resolution to the problem posted unless the poster comes back and says what they found.

Could we PLEASE post all responses on list?  This gives all of us a history of what has transpired to resolve all the postings about perceived or actual problems.  In fact, don't answer any response that isn't done on the list.  I know, you are going to say that some posters don't read the list but respond directly to the email posting.  If we make it a rule that all postings MUST be through the list or they are not responded to, everyone will get used to doing it that way.  

Thank you for listening and appreciate your comments.

John McClun
Always QRP!
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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

Don Wilhelm-4

I don't know what to say.  I usually keep the first few exchanges
'on-list' just because there may be others interested.  But if the
problem resolution gets into deep details and requires a number of "try
this" or "try that", I take it off-list.
I figure it is up to the person with the problem to post the results
when we are finished.  Sadly, you are correct, many do not.


NQ3RP wrote:

> Eric, Wayne and Don -
> I have read approximately 1500 of the post on this list.  I have found some
> of them very informative, while others are almost useless.  Why?
> Because there needs to be a basic rule change.  I appreciate the fact that
> you guys get back SO quickly when someone post a problem (ME).  But 99 times
> out of 100 all the resolution and responses are done OFF LIST.  So those of
> us who are doing research find NO resolution to the problem posted unless
> the poster comes back and says what they found.
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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

John Ragle
In reply to this post by NQ3RP
On 7/15/2010 8:06 AM, NQ3RP wrote:
> Eric, Wayne and Don -
> ...Could we PLEASE post all responses on list?

A lot of the traffic on this server is just rag-chewing, having little
or nothing to do specifically with Elecraft problems. IMHO that kind of
traffic that should be OFF the list.

I am, myself, ambivalent about being subscribed to the server. It
generates a totally immodest amount of stuff. Since everyone likes to
sound off on their favorite issues (me too), perhaps there should be a
chat version of the list, and a second, more important, one devoted to
problems and their solutions.

A rule that requires only problem-related, Elecraft, postings seems a
bit draconian, though it was probably the intent of the originators.  A
truly anal list moderator would make it so. I'm glad I don't have to
make those decisions.

John Ragle -- W1ZI
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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

In reply to this post by NQ3RP
IMHO, I think the private answering originates from flaming the people
answering questions, not on this reflector (there aren't any other
reflectors like this one) like others, but it is a learned response that
makes one wary and carrys across.  It makes one not want to answer with a
general fix or how to get started and improve later for fear the hard line
purist will send a page of criticism that ONLY applies to purists with
unlimited funding and the poor fellow asking just got his first radio and
wants to know the minumum height of an 80 meter dipole or the number of
radials for a vertical because the manual says "it doesn't need any".  His
reaction to a battle on the reflector, is this what ham radio is like?

> If we make it a rule that all postings MUST be through the list

Some reflectors only place the reflector email address in the response bar
but one can still glean the actual email address from the message.  Ask for
it as you did, you can't force it.

Flame suit on.

73, de Jim KG0KP

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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

In reply to this post by Don Wilhelm-4
Yet with that might there be a handy way to get included in the off list resolution? I've missed some of the most interesting resolutions because it has gone off list. (Some of us dig deeper.....or are gluttons...)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Wilhelm <[hidden email]>
Sender: [hidden email]
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 08:40:12
To: NQ3RP<[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] List Rule change, PLEASE!


I don't know what to say.  I usually keep the first few exchanges
'on-list' just because there may be others interested.  But if the
problem resolution gets into deep details and requires a number of "try
this" or "try that", I take it off-list.
I figure it is up to the person with the problem to post the results
when we are finished.  Sadly, you are correct, many do not.


NQ3RP wrote:

> Eric, Wayne and Don -
> I have read approximately 1500 of the post on this list.  I have found some
> of them very informative, while others are almost useless.  Why?
> Because there needs to be a basic rule change.  I appreciate the fact that
> you guys get back SO quickly when someone post a problem (ME).  But 99 times
> out of 100 all the resolution and responses are done OFF LIST.  So those of
> us who are doing research find NO resolution to the problem posted unless
> the poster comes back and says what they found.
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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

Jim Brown-10
I always go under the assumption that if one guy wants to know
something, several other list members do too. The only times I
respond off list are when I am reasonably sure that no one but the
person asking the question cares about the answer, or when the
exchange needs to get very detailed to solve a unique problam (as
W3FPR often does).

73, Jim K9YC

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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE!

Kok Chen

On Jul 15, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Jim Brown wrote:

> I always go under the assumption that if one guy wants to know
> something, several other list members do too.

I usually go off list, which I very often do, when the question gets specific.  Stuff like "K3 sees no transmit audio from cocoaModem."   There are not enough cocoaModem users to waste bandwidth on.  

Chen, W7AY

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Re: List Rule change, PLEASE! [END of thread]

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Let's end this thread.

In general, if a topic is taken off list to discuss, which is always
OKk, please also post the final resolution to the list so others can
benefit from the results. This will save on future questions on the same
topic posted to the list.

in general, it is outside of the guidelines to argue what should, and
should not be posted to the list on the list itself. That just clogs up
everything for others reading the list. Please send those requests to
me, the list moderator for consideration.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
List Modulator

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