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Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

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Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

wayne burdick
Hi all,

Those of you who have seen the KX3 in person may have noticed that we  
use it with two external powered speakers, plugged into the headphone  
jack. We do this to emphasize how good the KX3's stereo audio effects  
are. (And of course it's so noisy at most hamfests that the small [but  
hi-fi] internal speaker can't be easily heard; it's intended for a use  
in a quiet shack.) Audio effects include simulated stereo, left-right  
pitch mapping, and dual-watch. These can only be heard with two  
speakers or when using stereo headphones/earbuds. Trust me, you'll  
never go back to mono :)

We've tried a couple of different Sony powered mini-speakers from Best  
Buy. Both had batteries but could also run on external power either  
from a PC USB port or from a small power adapter.

If you have some favorite small speakers you've used with a laptop or  
other radios, please send me the manufacturer and model numbers. Small  
is OK as long as the sound quality is good. Also, they shouldn't cause  

For mobile--another very high-noise situation--you'll have three  
alternatives for getting car-filling audio: 12-V powered speakers, a  
modulator to rebroadcast the KX3's audio on an FM radio, or (my  
favorite) a stereo aux input to the vehicle's audio system. The latter  
is very common on newer models. If you know of some decent 12-V  
powered speakers, please let me know.


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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

Build this little 12V amp using the TDA2005S chips.
Maybe as a kit?
http://www.hobby-hour.com/electronics/tda2005-power-audio.phpTo drive a pair of these:
 A little pricey, but I think they would showcase the stereo effect very very nicely. Especially in a  noisy area.
I would consider this setup for maritime mobile with the KX3.

Dave Kalter

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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

In reply to this post by wayne burdick
Sorry about the bad link to the Amp schematic.
Over  zealous with the back space <:-)
This one should work.

Dave Kalter
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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

Mike Heitmann
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
I use one of these "Bump" speakers with several rigs, including my KX1:

Internal rechargable battery, USB recharging cable, folds up compactly. Also works well to enhance the sound of a smartphone for music.

Cyberguys has them on sale once is a while.

Mike, N0SO

On Dec 29, 2011, at 11:50 PM, Wayne Burdick <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ... If you know of some decent 12-V  powered speakers, please let me know.

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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

geoff allsup
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
I like the iHome iHM79 speakers - compact, USB rechargeable (or +12v
with car adapter), $40 from Amazon


geoff - W1OH

On 12/30/11 12:50 AM, Wayne Burdick wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you know of some decent 12-V
> powered speakers, please let me know.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR

Geoff Allsup, W1OH          [hidden email] or [hidden email]
Senior Engineer                 Upper Ocean Processes Group
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution      Woods Hole, MA, USA

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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

In reply to this post by wayne burdick
Hi Wayne,
A while back I found a used Roland Mobile Cube stereo amplified portable
speaker set at the TRW swap meet ($5) and to my surprise it works pretty
well as a laptop amp, portable PA (mic needed), or as a mono or stereo amp
for just about any mic or line level driver (including radios like the K3).
Take a look at;

They're often available new and used on Ebay. The 1/8" stereo phone plug
input (AUX input) has no level control so the volume must be controlled by
the source. Another solution is to use an adapter cable and feed the main
mono or stereo inputs (Amazon, CMP153, $5). This port not only offers level
control but also has some special effects available. The Mobile Cube runs on
either 6 AA batteries or an external 9Vdc source.

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Wayne Burdick
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 9:51 PM
To: [hidden email]; Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions
Hi all,
Those of you who have seen the KX3 in person may have noticed that we  
use it with two external powered speakers, plugged into the headphone  
jack. We do this to emphasize how good the KX3's stereo audio effects  
are. (And of course it's so noisy at most hamfests that the small [but  
hi-fi] internal speaker can't be easily heard; it's intended for a use  
in a quiet shack.) Audio effects include simulated stereo, left-right  
pitch mapping, and dual-watch. These can only be heard with two  
speakers or when using stereo headphones/earbuds. Trust me, you'll  
never go back to mono :)
We've tried a couple of different Sony powered mini-speakers from Best  
Buy. Both had batteries but could also run on external power either  
from a PC USB port or from a small power adapter.
If you have some favorite small speakers you've used with a laptop or  
other radios, please send me the manufacturer and model numbers. Small  
is OK as long as the sound quality is good. Also, they shouldn't cause  
For mobile--another very high-noise situation--you'll have three  
alternatives for getting car-filling audio: 12-V powered speakers, a  
modulator to rebroadcast the KX3's audio on an FM radio, or (my  
favorite) a stereo aux input to the vehicle's audio system. The latter  
is very common on newer models. If you know of some decent 12-V  
powered speakers, please let me know.

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Re: Looking for KX3 external speaker suggestions

Phillip Lontz
In reply to this post by wayne burdick
I use this with my K3...
It is the best portable solution out there...
Plus you can use it with blue tooth from any blue tooth source. ipod ipad laptop etc etc...
K3 with a blue tooth mod... no wires or you can wire it. Plus it has a mike built in. Lion battery 12 hours plus or minus.

But the best part is that it sounds really really good.
Goes loud if need be. Built in 2 channel amp. Built in Battery.
Headphone jack and USB port.

Not plastic... well built. Well thought out. Kinda heavy... surprising the first time you pick it up.

Check this out... read the reviews...
I bought mine at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest this year.
I use it almost every day... no problems...

It was made for portable traveling audio nuts... But I think it belongs with the K2, K3 and our new baby...
Try it guys... you will love it.


I build single ended triodes for high end audio systems... Big bucks, seriously good sound...
I know great sound.

Phil Townsend
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