Mobile problems

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Mobile problems

I hope this is sufficiently appropriate for this reflector.  I have a  1999
Ford F-250 Diesel pick-up that I am trying to set up for mobile.  
Unfortunately, I am getting some kind of RF problem, I think with the trucks  computer.  
When I transmit the truck starts to buck, or hesitate, like the  fuel flow is
being interrupted or something.  It does this with my 706, but  also when I
hook up my K2, so it doesn't take much power to cause the  problem.  I called the
local Ford dealer and asked about it, and asked if  there was any kind of
service bulletin on this issue.  He found nothing,  and wasn't aware of this
Has anyone else had this and/or solved it?  Any ideas?   Thanks.
Dave W7AQK

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Re: Mobile problems

Stuart Rohre
Ford trucks are notorious for having need of filters added to the in tank
fuel pump and possibly at the computer.  There is a service bulletin, he may
have to go back a few years.

Ask dealer to contact the regional or National RFI people at Ford.
There is a company here who makes filters for Ford trucks bought by state of
TX so that they can install mobile radios.  Ferrite filters at the connector
to fuel tank pump and ferrite on leads from the computer should do the

There is a ham in a neighboring club who does the work and designs filters.
His name is Brad Rehm, although I don't have his call with me.  Look in and see either a Georgetown TX adr. for him or maybe one of the
other Williamson Co. cities.  I think he moved out of Georgetown itself.


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Re: Mobile problems

Charles Bland
In reply to this post by DYARNES
Check out

This is the ARRL Interference site. They have great articles on interference
and link to manufacturers sites, like Ford.

Worth your time.


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Re: Mobile problems

In reply to this post by DYARNES
In addition to filtering various points mentioned in replies to your  posting
it is normally essential that you feed the radio DC power direct from  the
pickup battery via a suitable protection fuse. This minimises noise to and  from
the pickup electrical system.
We changed to Ford vehicles at the works QTH from our previous GMC in the  
fall of 2001. Never had any interference problems from our 100W Hi band FM  
mobiles with any of the vehicles, though SSB may be more of a problem. The  latter
vehicles we used had the 5.2L V8 gasoline engines with fuel injection.  These
should have been more susceptible to interference effects from 2 way  radios
than diesel engines, but never had any problem.
The only problem we had with our 4 X 4 Ford pickup was the shock of going  
back to cart springs and solid axles on the front after the relative  comfort of
the GMC with independent front suspension.
Bob, G3VVT
K2 #4168
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Re: Mobile problems

Jim Brown-10
On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 20:38:56 EDT, [hidden email] wrote:

>Never had any interference problems from our 100W Hi band FM  
>mobiles with any of the vehicles, though SSB may be more of a problem

That may be because you are in Europe, where EMC is taken far more seriously than in
the US post-Reagan (small government, small FCC, small FCC budget, small FCC
EMC regs).

Jim Brown  K9YC

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