OT power supply question

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OT power supply question


I use a Pyramid power supply.  PS35G to be exact.  Sometimes when I turn it on it makes a thudding sound.  But it works fine and it doesnt do it all the time.  I am not the original owner and Ive had it for a couple years so I know its getting pretty old by now.  Wondering what would make that noise.  Kinda sounds like someone hit a metal box with a mallet best I can describe it.

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Re: OT power supply question

Probably inrush current charging the capacitor(s), I have heard it in other
supplies (astron). You could shock mount the transformer maybe if it bothers
you too much!
73/72 - Mike WA8BXN
-------Original Message-------

I use a Pyramid power supply. PS35G to be exact. Sometimes when I turn it on
it makes a thudding sound.
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Re: OT power supply question

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by wt5y@netzero.net
That 'thudding' is the transformer going "Ugh" during the first half-cycle
(or full-cycle) of AC which it's trying to charge the completely DIScharged
electrolytic in the supply.

My Astrons all do that was well.


Tom   N0SS

At 11:31 AM 12/16/04, you wrote:

>I use a Pyramid power supply.  PS35G to be exact.  Sometimes when I turn
>it on it makes a thudding sound.  But it works fine and it doesnt do it
>all the time.  I am not the original owner and Ive had it for a couple
>years so I know its getting pretty old by now.  Wondering what would make
>that noise.  Kinda sounds like someone hit a metal box with a mallet best
>I can describe it.
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Re: OT power supply question

Tom Mc
In reply to this post by wt5y@netzero.net
My Astron does it also, I suspected it was the capacitors, now thanks to you guys I know for sure.

Now, can someone tell me why I make the same noise when my wife wakes me up at 5 am to get me off to work???

Happy Holidays to all,

K2 1103

----- Original Message -----
From: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2004 12:31 pm
Subject: [Elecraft] OT power supply question

> I use a Pyramid power supply.  PS35G to be exact.  Sometimes when
> I turn it on it makes a thudding sound.  But it works fine and it
> doesnt do it all the time.  I am not the original owner and Ive
> had it for a couple years so I know its getting pretty old by now.
> Wondering what would make that noise.  Kinda sounds like someone
> hit a metal box with a mallet best I can describe it.
> WT5Y
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