[P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

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[P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

Art Suberbielle

Would it be possible to add a menu choice to assign a FN key to cause the K-3 to QSY to the frequency of  a Marker? By requiring us to use the knob to Tap to QSY, it's very easy to move it slightly as you tap it and end up slightly off the desired frequency.

It would be much easier, in my opinion, to use the knob to set the desired frequency, then Tap FN4 or FN8 to cause the K-3 to QSY.

Otherwise, I'm very pleased with the P-3's performance.


Art KZ5D

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P3 - 105


105 up and working - very nicely !
I think this was mentioned previously .. it would be very useful to be
able to pick a `section` of the band to display without being tied to
the K3 centre frequency, for instance, if a station was listening `up 10
to 20` the span could be set to 10kcs and the whole of the `10 to 20 up`
area viewed, rather than, at present, having to actually set the span to
40 kcs to view that section, with the lower 20kcs of no interest.

Think that makes sense !

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Re: [P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

Alan Bloom-2
In reply to this post by Art Suberbielle
Hi Art,

> ... it's very easy to move it slightly as you tap it and end up slightly off the desired frequency.

I'm surprised you're having that problem.  It did exist on early
prototypes, but back around firmware version 00.23 I added an
anti-false-knob-rotation algorithm for the QSY function.  It keeps track
of the last six MKR A or MKR B values during knob rotation and the time
each one occurred.  When the knob is tapped, it assumes any knob
rotation in the last 200 ms is not "real" and uses the last value
before that.  So any knob rotation for 200 ms before the tap is ignored.

I do plan to add a MENU item to assign the knob tap to a FN key, but I'm
hoping nobody uses it!  If there's a problem with the operation of the
knob switch I want to fix it so people don't have to do that.

By the way, there were some improvements in the knob decoding algorithm
and MKR A and MKR B operation in versions 00.30 and 00.31, so you
probably want to be sure you have the latest firmware.  I think 00.32 is
the current release.

Alan N1AL

On Sat, 2010-08-21 at 12:02 -0400, [hidden email] wrote:

> Would it be possible to add a menu choice to assign a FN key to cause the K-3 to QSY to the frequency of  a Marker? By requiring us to use the knob to Tap to QSY, it's very easy to move it slightly as you tap it and end up slightly off the desired frequency.
> It would be much easier, in my opinion, to use the knob to set the desired frequency, then Tap FN4 or FN8 to cause the K-3 to QSY.
> Otherwise, I'm very pleased with the P-3's performance.
> 73,
> Art KZ5D
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Re: [P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

Larry - K2GN
I've clicked on telnet spots and more often than not still have to tune.
I think this has been going on for years.
Even now with the P3 capability, shaky hands, bad eyesight and even the
spotter of the DX station that likes his Side tone a little different than I
do, I always fine tune.
If you do plan to assign the tap to a FN key, please make so the P3 operator
has to program the key, just make the code available.
I'd hate to lose a FN.
de K2GN - Larry - http://k2gn.com
K3 S/N - 3278    P3 S/N - 51

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Alan Bloom
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 6:11 PM
To: [hidden email]
Cc: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

Hi Art,

> ... it's very easy to move it slightly as you tap it and end up slightly
off the desired frequency.

I'm surprised you're having that problem.  It did exist on early
prototypes, but back around firmware version 00.23 I added an
anti-false-knob-rotation algorithm for the QSY function.  It keeps track

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Re: P3 - 105

Joe Subich, W4TV-4
In reply to this post by g4amt

I could certainly see an option that would "hold" the center frequency
if is was not the same as VFO A or VFO B ... I could also see an option
that would allow the center to track VFO B instead of VFO A.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 8/21/2010 12:48 PM, Terry wrote:

> 105 up and working - very nicely !
> I think this was mentioned previously .. it would be very useful to be
> able to pick a `section` of the band to display without being tied to
> the K3 centre frequency, for instance, if a station was listening `up 10
> to 20` the span could be set to 10kcs and the whole of the `10 to 20 up`
> area viewed, rather than, at present, having to actually set the span to
> 40 kcs to view that section, with the lower 20kcs of no interest.
> Think that makes sense !
> 73
> Terry
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Re: [P-3] Feature request for easier QSY

In reply to this post by Alan Bloom-2
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Re: P3 - 105

K6KV Gary
In reply to this post by Joe Subich, W4TV-4
I was surprised that this suggestion thread was not the defacto mode, that of locking the frequency limits of the P3 display even though the K3 was being tuned.  I can now see the value of the standard "moving center" mode, however it drags and skews the waterfall unpleasantly, causing one to lose track of where its signals lie, making it tedious to quickly QSY to the next station seen on the P3's display.  It would seem much easier if the P3 display "stayed put", and tuning up to the next station would just mean twisting the K3 dial until a marker fell on top of the next waterfall. I think this would be a great new mode to add, and its ergonomics would be intuitive.  My thoughts are towards the next Field Day, where I might set the P3 to display, say, 7.025 through 7.075 KHz.  

Of course there would want to be a provision for "re-centering" the P3, most likely to a round number, not the actual K3 frequency.  For example the P3 could re-set its center to the nearest frequency marker at the top of the the P3.  As an example, assume a P3 set to a span of 50 KHz, where its 10 markers at the top would then be spaced 5 KHz apart.  Assume a K3 is tuned to 7.048 KHz, and the "re-center" button is pressed.  Consistent with the suggestion, then, the center frequency of the P3 would snap to 7.050 KHz, and display a span from 7.025 to 7.075 MHz.  

I see many uses for this mode from the pile-ups mentioned by other writers, to contests as well, and to just plain tuning up the band to land on the next ongoing QSO.  
Gary K6kV